XTZ AP-100 Review in HiFi World

Discussion in 'Trade Adverts and Discussion' started by audiosanctum, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. audiosanctum


    Jan 7, 2010
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    We are pleased to announce that once again we have received a highly positive review for one of our products. This time HiFi World have had for review the XTZ AP-100 Power Amp. Here are some of the comments from Tony Bolton the reviewer.

    "Imaging was good... the soundstage extending beyond the speakers and also coming out into the room and back through the wall a little."

    "The precise, almost mincing pace of the track was exquisitely descibed, and the over emphasised, vowel-strangling enunciation of the chorus was perfectly rendered... The almost delicate precision of the music seemed to suit the XTZ's style of presentation."

    "Rhythms were quite propulsive and energetic, and the whole piece seemed to flow with a cohesive energy that was both pleasant and convincing".


    -clean, fast sound
    -plenty of power
    -switchable Class A
    -solid build


    -nothing at the price

    HiFi World Verdict - Decently smooth yet usefully muscular, this power amp punches way beyond its price point in sonic and value terms.

    The XTZ AP-100 received 5 Globes.

    For more information on the XTZ AP-100 please click here.
    audiosanctum, Jan 4, 2011
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