I must admit that the vast majority of bands or performers all of you have listed I have never heard and many I have never heard of. Therein lies the problem. I quit listening to radio by about 1975 because the music was becoming so formulaic, unoriginal and uninspired. Mostly I like rock and roll (among others) but what I really like is music that shows talent. Anyway, I am shocked that no one has yet mentioned my personal standard for the worst music ever made. Dave Matthews. When I first heard his ear vomit I thought that it was an imitation of the stuff I tried to hum to myself in the bathtub when I was 8 years old. Literally. It was the same aimless uninspired noodling. I stopped after maybe as much as 30 seconds. He not only didn't stop, he recorded his aimless noodling. Anyway, here's my list. I hope they all get throat cancer for what they have done to this planet.
1)Dave %#*&^^%#$#@*&^% Matthews
2) Bruce Springsteen
3)pretty much any country---what a bunch of unoriginal nothingness
4)rap---genius? they can't even enunciate half the time so that the lyrics are simply unintelligible, and when they do enunciate, they ramble on like schizophrenic patients who have not been taking their meds.
5)counting crows. their first album had 2 1/2 good songs and that was the end for them. More aimless noodling disguised as "art".
6) almost all heavy metal, but mostly great white. you call this songwriting? it's dog food converted into sound waves. with ketchup on top.
7) Michael Jackson--he's just a freak. even whitney houston is normal compared to him.
8) Janet Jackson--I think she may be her own brother with some sort of inflatable implants that can be ballooned on demand.
9) all disco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! somepone please go back in time and kill those people. Empty headed fluff that goes thump thump thump.
10) Sting. Shut it ya bore.