230vac 50Hz conversion kits for Krell

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by BenY, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. BenY


    Aug 11, 2005
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    Kits are offered for sale on Ebay, covering a range of Krell products including : Surround Processors, Pre-Amps & Integrated Amps.
    Enables the use of privately imported Krell components from the USA (115Vac-60Hz) in EU countries (230Vac-50Hz).
    Run a search on Ebay for "Krell Voltage Conversion"...
    Easy and quick installation, Fully reversible process, Satisfaction Guaranteed.
    Thank you for looking.
    BenY, Feb 26, 2006
  2. BenY


    Dec 22, 2004
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    But warranty voiding!

    As a former Krell system owner, when I looked to ship my system back from the USA to the UK Krell told me that I could send my components in to their UK service centre where they would perform all the voltage conversions.

    Doing it this way would then have all the units registered as 'approved' UK market items and give a new warranty (can't remember what the warranty period was).

    So while it may seem as though you are cutting costs and saving money by getting these ebay items, personally imported items will only be recognised as 'grey imports' and any servicing through Krell UK could be a problem, especially if they see the power stage has been changed already by non-Krell fingers!

    I appreciate that some people don't care, but personally, for equipment of this value I would want to the peace of mind.

    I sold all my Krell gear in the USA before moving back in the end.
    ListeningEar, Feb 26, 2006
  3. BenY


    Aug 11, 2005
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    Anyone who imports a used Krell component from the US to the EU renders the warranty void, But saves a great deal of money in the process.
    It`s always possible to uninstall the kit and pay your local Krell dealer if you ever have a problem...
    Then again, You may never have to.
    BenY, Feb 26, 2006
  4. BenY

    I-S Good Evening.... Infidel

    Jun 25, 2003
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    In a world of pain
    I'm considering whether this should be under trade ads...
    I-S, Feb 26, 2006
  5. BenY

    KUB3 ciao

    Feb 20, 2006
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    I was recently told a new Bryston amplifier in the USA is only $3000, compared to the £3000 over here in the UK. Like most things we are over paying by double. Which is nice.
    KUB3, Feb 26, 2006
  6. BenY


    Dec 22, 2004
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    ...talk to any importer/distributor and they will give you the run down on why US built products seem to us to be double the price here.

    The costs involved in importing anything from the USA after you've finished with shipping, Duty, Customs fees and good old VAT usually jack the price up considerably. Then consider the profit margains that dealers like to operate at then you can understand why UK retail prices seem so high.

    I guarantee that if you talk to anyone who has any real experience in importation from the USA they will tell you how hard it is to make money here, mainly because people look at prices in the USA and have absolutely no idea of the added costs involved of bringing it to the UK market.

    Henry Ford once said something along the lines of 'every time you touch something you must increase the value of the product'. Half the problem here with imports is that products are handled alot more with absolutely no additional value added to them. People then feel they are getting ripped off so they start to look for ways to circumnavigate the process (or do it for cheap), which then has it's own negative effect on the relevant industry.

    I have been involved in logistics within the electronics industry since 1987 and having spent many years importing from around the World, including the USA and even working there, we always used to say that whatever price you see something for sale in the USA, (eg 3000 Dollars), that's what you will pay in Pounds by the time it's ready for sale in the UK (eg £3000).
    ListeningEar, Feb 27, 2006
  7. BenY


    Aug 27, 2013
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    Hello is it possible to buy 230vac 50Hz conversion kits for Krell for krell evo 505.
    Thanks Alexander.
    Alexander38, Aug 29, 2013
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