KR Audio 300BXLS Vacuum Tubes (Matched Duet)$590.00
The 300BXLS The 300BXLS is an ultra-linear, low frequency, high power triode tube capable of producing 15-24 watts of pure class-A power. The 300BXLS may be used in 300B amplifiers, however you will still obtain only 8 watts. Therefore we recommend the 300B for these applications. However, if your amplifier has adjustable bias, the 300BXLS will provide more power. Increasing the plate voltage and current will result in higher power than is obtainable with other 300Bs. Consult your equipment manufacturer before increasing the power of your amplifier.
Technical Data:
Pure Class-A Power (watts) 15-24
Plate Voltage Average (Volts) 450
Plate Voltage Maximum (Volts) 600
Plate Current Average (mA) 100
Plate Current Maximum (mA) 160
Plate Dissipation (watts) 70
Transconductance (mA/V) 70
Grid Voltage -95
Amplification Factor 3.6
THD (%) <0.1
Filament Voltage (volts DC/AC) 5
Filament Current (A) 1.9
seems like there is ample plate dissipation in this puppy! i think this looks like a winner!