A Day at the Races

I intend to host a West Country meet but not until August.

Gotta finish the garden alterations first.

We'll figure it out sometime...

I dare say enough kit (or more than) can be accumulated. Variations add up very fast, so it doesn't take much. More tunes, more beer, more people!
Originally posted by wadia-miester
The Acoustic Zen Tsunamia, hum, totaly unfair as it cost as much as the amp :eek: but, it brings to the party, things that only A/Z can, LiloLee summed it up with 'Combine the best bits of the RA and Eupen, and add a bit'
Sounds like I should be saving my pennies for one of these then. Must say, I had the very same Eupen lead that CM now has in my system for a couple of weeks, and whilst the bass in my system was far superior to that of the Kimber High Current PowerKords I normally use, I just found the top end not to my liking on certain discs. The worst thing was the sibilance that the Eupen added to vocals (a trait I noted that WM use to have in his system when the Eupens were in use there). The other key loss for me was the "expressiveness" or lyrical flow in the mids that I so like about the Kimbers. The Eupen was doing what I call the "straight jacket" effect and for me screwing up the emotion on the "non man's music" (as WM likes to call it).

I'm certainly missing the bass from the Eupen at the moment, it seems like an extra octave is missing and things have gone a bit limp.

BTW, was the AZ power lead you guys tested terminated with a US or UK plug?
'Bald Bopper' here, thankin' you kindly for a good afternoon's fun.

You guys just don't know how to dance :jig: and there's nothing wrong with my music that a quick frontal lobotomy wouldn't cure:crazy:

I've had the chance to hear Dino's system grow over the past few months, and it has steadilly improved to being the jiggie thing it is now. I have a feeling only some serious wedge would have to be spent to improve it. The SS made sense (I second Michael's mention of VooDoo as I already use them), but I felt the RA killed the PRaT a bit (both the mains and speaker cable) and was probably at its best with the Eupen and either the Dynaudio or Ortofon. (Discounting the AZstuff which would have tripled the value of the system)

See (some of) you guys at the next meet.
Originally posted by technobear
I intend to host a West Country meet but not until August.
Now there's someone who really lives in the "true" west country. :cool:

Gloucester is surely the "west" midlands ain't it? :p
Gloucester, like Southampton where I went to university, is one of these annoyingly in-betweeny places. On the one hand, it's not quite in the midlands, but it's not quite in the south west either (and southampton is neither south west nor south east... it's just south). The most amusing side effect of this is the different forecasts for the weather, depending on whether you look for the west midlands or the south west... one will have black cloud over gloucester, the other will have sun.

With regard to the mains, the Eupen was more musical than the RA, but a little rougher also, particularly in the treble (much as henryT said). The AZ was definately the best, but not as big an improvement (IMO of course) as the Seismic Sink, and since both are around the same money, I'd go for the SS and a Yello.

Since my own system seems to tend to harshness a little less than Dino's, I might chance it on the Eupen for a little more musicality (which my setup could do with really).

Still, today has seen the addition of Tone's power cord, a couple of ferrite rings and a couple of paving slabs to the kit, and the sand for the stands is drying out in the stables... Tomorrow I shall order some replacement spikes for my stands, and then the more serious tweaking shall begin, and I shall get underway with the rack (which eventually I will be unable to lift....)
Originally posted by LiloLee
'Bald Bopper' here, thankin' you kindly for a good afternoon's fun.

You guys just don't know how to dance :jig: and there's nothing wrong with my music that a quick frontal lobotomy wouldn't cure:crazy:

I've had the chance to hear Dino's system grow over the past few months, and it has steadilly improved to being the jiggie thing it is now. I have a feeling only some serious wedge would have to be spent to improve it. The SS made sense (I second Michael's mention of VooDoo as I already use them), but I felt the RA killed the PRaT a bit (both the mains and speaker cable) and was probably at its best with the Eupen and either the Dynaudio or Ortofon. (Discounting the AZstuff which would have tripled the value of the system)

See (some of) you guys at the next meet.

A little ot but on Lees reccomendation I intend to pick up the OSI cd later on this week :) Downloaded a couple of tracks and the 17 minute one didnt feel like 17 minutes had just passed!
Originally posted by wadia-miester
But Chris, you can't call it a West country meet, as your deep in the heart of Carrot Crunching territory mate :lol: WM
Carrot Crunching territory! How dare you :spank: I live in the centre of the known Universe :p The coolest town on the planet :MILD: And this is very definitely the West Country :argue: And when this garden is finished, I shall be growing my own carrots :banana:

Glad you all had a good time at this bake-off I don't seem to have been invited to :mad: Just as well I couldn't have made it anyway. Fitted my new garden gate today. Far superior to anything I could have bought for the same money ;)


Chris :techno:
Originally posted by Isaac Sibson
Gloucester, like Southampton where I went to university, is one of these annoyingly in-betweeny places. On the one hand, it's not quite in the midlands, but it's not quite in the south west either (and southampton is neither south west nor south east... it's just south).
Believe it or not, I've also seen Southampton refered to as the "south west" too! :eek: South Hampshire use to be my old stomping ground too, having lived in Chandlers Ford and Portsmouth in the past. :)

Originally posted by Isaac Sibson
I might chance it on the Eupen for a little more musicality (which my setup could do with really).
I wonder if maybe forgoing on the silver plating (on the IEC and mains plug) might help calm/refine the top-end a bit. Then on the other it, you mind lose out the musicality you heard at :cookie: 's.

Strange how most people associate rhythm with musicality. For me, "musical" is a system or sound that draws me in and makes me want to listen and get involved (emotionally) with the performance. Rhythmic acurarcy isn't something I'm all that sensitive to or can instinctively discern over that much. :rolleyes:
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Going OT here, but thanks for the vote of confidence DC. A few people have made note of the Louis Winsberg cd as well (not Prog French/Spanish Fusion) but well recommended.
Henry, the A/Z has been reterminated with a UK plug (just for the purposes of yesterdays Jaunt, as it's now redundent, although might put it on the upsampler, oh it has silver plated terminals too)
Please do bear in mind that in different systems, the cables will produce different results, I was at Robbo's earlier, where we used the Eupen/Tsunamia/Silver ref's in his system, made a slight difference :) , but you must take into account, the equipemnt your are using it with, and what potential outcome many be, given what equipment you are using at the time WM
I keep that Ortophon SPK-200 in my spares drawer (where many of the other commercial cables were hauled from ;) ) Seems like a waste of a good cable all of a sudden. I had been impressed enough with it for it not to be passed on / sold / thown away etc. FOr me it's a little dry at times, but the bass is very good for a cable of the price, and a quick comparison with QED SA can leave a SA owners eyes watering (it has in the past)....... :D:D

The Gale XL-315 is often rubbished it seems in these hallowed electrical pages. I gave it to Tone to take for it to get some of it's own back, which it seems it has. For the £2/metre, it's cracking IMO. I would have sent the Odyssey down as well for you guys to play with, but it has crimped BFA connectors and is a bit short already.

Personally I like the AZ Silver Ref. I do hope it's making it's way back.............. :D:D

Hi penance,

Which config of Eupens did you order?

I hope they work for you. They do take a bit of time to run though, a good 2 weeks I reckon, but they will sound a bit bright to start off with IMO.
i ordered 1 x CSA2.5 and 1 x GNLM 05/04

second being the larger conductor version
both fitted with silver plated plug/socket

if they settle down then ill give them a few weeks before makeing judgement
I borrowed a GLN 05/04 off a friend too. I found it to be a bit smother and more refined up top than the CSA 2.5, the GLN 05/04 also has even more bass than the GLN 05/04, but if you have a lot of bass already this might be a bad thing. Things may well turn out to be very in your system though. The GLN 05/04 works very well for my friend, who posts under domfjbrown on this on forum.

I'd say plug both leads in and leave them burning in for at least 3 days before making any judgements. :)
Bugger - these things turn out expensive.

Just bought myself a new TA Seismic sink for the cdp.

It should be arriving any day soon:) :MILD:

I blame Neil ;)
