6mm2 is rated at 38amps inside trunking,walls
rated at 51amps in freespace
10mm2 is rated at 52ampsinside trunking, walls
rated at 70amps in freespace.
personally i,d run both cables to a wall socket , which would create a ring main and from what i,ve read (or remember)this means that you then double the power .
ie 2 spurs of 6mm2 are rated at 38amps
i ring main with two 6mm2 is rated at 76amps
or maybe either lilolee or hippy will confirm (far more knowledgeable than me)
it,s a moot point for me as i use a 10mm2 ring main , so either way i,m in spec .
i,m sure i gleaned this info from either RA,s mains booklet or an article in hifi + , but i can,t find either and i,ve not had much luck on the www .
i think its worth trying both set ups , (ring and spur)just to to see if theres an audible difference . as i said earlier from what i,ve gleaned on the forums , the naim guys seem to like what a spur offers .