Lim used to be very courteous to me on the phone. I felt that I needed replacement valves and asked him for a quote, to which he said £50 for 4 5670's and 4 EL34's (svetlana winged c). I gave him my credit card details and patiently waited. And waited. A long time passed.
Then a strange thing happened to one of the EL34's. It suddenly started buzzing and glowing bright white/blue (like a bulb). I immediately switched off the amp and let it cool for a few hours. During this time I contacted Lim and spoke to his assistant who said that I had done the correct thing. As he passed the phone to Lim I overheard Lim saying "Gaffer is the type of person who...." I didn't quite catch the rest. He then got the reciever and started spouting on about "not freezing valves as they shorten valve life" what? who asked anything about freezing valves? and what sort of a person am i?....anyway I bit my lip in case I had got the wrong end of the stick and told Lim what had happened. He told me to send the amp back to him so that he could ascertain what valves to replace them with and if anything was wrong with the amp. A couple of hours later I unplugged all the valves and re-seated them snuggly. I cautiously switched back on (yeah..silly i know) and the amp was fine. Delighted I rang Lim and he said " ...well in that must have been the valves not being seated properly. You'll be fine now. No need to send the amp back. I'll send you replacement valves. I already have your card details."
I must admit I wasn't really satisfied with his explanation as the valves hadn't been touched previously and this had never happened before...but then again, everything was fine now.
It's now 1-2 months later yet again. Still no sign of replacement valves. So i keep, waiting. The amp has done nothing odd despite continual use since then.
I had asked Lim for the bias readings for the amp for replacement valves as it is fixed bias, but he refused to give them to me saying that "only
he could supply correctly biased replacements".
I contacted who have e-mailed me to say that they can send replacements "of an average bias that should work well".
Do i:
*wait for Lim to send me replacements (for how long I don't know, and I didn't really like the way he talked about me so I don't want to be reliant on him for spares)
*despite not knowing the bias, let send me their 'best guess' replacement tubes and risk them not being optimised for the amp
*alternatively how can i find out the settings needed for the valves so that I can order replacements from anywhere?
PS I would love to use this amp as a "second system" and buy a brand new Prima Luna Prologue 2 amp and never have to worry about bias settings again (although this would be too expensive for me so will remain a pipe dream for now

thanx for any ideas/help