Hey you denizens of the DAC brotherhood and victims of cable-induced jitter, salvation is at hand. Maybe this should be onthe DIY forum, but it may be of wider interest. Was just having a hoover around on the LC-Audio website, and found [url=http://www.lcaudio.dk/com/dacdrev.htm]this[/url] - a recipe for making up your own sync-link (as used by TAG, dCS, Wadia, DPA). I've no need for it - but I remember e.g. Merlin going all round the houses to try and do something similar. And I remember HenryT bemoaning the fact that his system was a bit grittier in the treble than it should be as he couldn't clock-link his transport. (Not entirely sure I'd want to be poking about inside a Delius though). (May not be such good news for peddlers of foo-foo-dust digital cables though ;) :D )