Dear Coda II
You could do far worse things than aquiring Gilberts WTC, which is well worth its money. The harpsichord is a late french baroque period instrument, very sonorous in character, and Gilbert makes
it sing wonderfully. His approach is very informed and stylish with
delicate touch and well judged tempi. I think occationally
his touch is too much legato, but these are probably minor things for you. If I were to aquire only one interpretation of the WTC, I would choose Leonhardts because of his unparalleled concentrated expressivity, but my second choise would be Gilbert, and if I were to have more recordings (which is preferable) Gilbert would be unavoidable. My next choices would be Wilson (Teldec) and Dantone (Arts) and Walcha (EMI 1960-61).
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You could do far worse things than aquiring Gilberts WTC, which is well worth its money. The harpsichord is a late french baroque period instrument, very sonorous in character, and Gilbert makes
it sing wonderfully. His approach is very informed and stylish with
delicate touch and well judged tempi. I think occationally
his touch is too much legato, but these are probably minor things for you. If I were to aquire only one interpretation of the WTC, I would choose Leonhardts because of his unparalleled concentrated expressivity, but my second choise would be Gilbert, and if I were to have more recordings (which is preferable) Gilbert would be unavoidable. My next choices would be Wilson (Teldec) and Dantone (Arts) and Walcha (EMI 1960-61).
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