Thanks Jon - it'll certainly helpJonR said:Michaelab, now you're relieved of administrator duties and are now merely a 'super moderator' (!) perhaps can de-stress a bit!
Isaac Sibson said:jon - metaphorically the dismembered head symbolises what's missing from me before 11am. The headlock symbolises the rest of the time.
michaelab said:I just tried searching for my Rega P5 Demo thread and couldn't find it
Markus Sauer said:What happened? I had to adapt my favourite and do away with the /forum extension, and re-login myself. Final destination arrived at?
Btw. another thanks for the smooth transition and the very welcome continuation of this forum.
Jon - thanks for the comments. My TT purchase is in abeyance (great word, haven't used it for agesJonR said:I guess it's probably a silly question given your circumstances and if so I apologise but, humour me (!) if you will - did anything come of it all or is it in abeyance?