I suppose it depends on how old they are. I love the sound of the old pison engine aircraft, I was working at Coventry Airport a few years ago, they have a good collection of ex RAF planes. The sound of 4 x Merlins sparking into life on the Shackleton sent the hairs on the back of your neck tingling.
The trouble with old aeroplanes is they are old, but they still need to be maintained in an airworthy condition. This usually involves lots of structural close inspections, examnations and ultimately repairs. Dakota/DC-3's all that magnesium alloy ! Ahhh! these aircraft are practically disolvable, great old workhorses though, Air Atlantique still use some to very good effect from Coventry, still going strong after all these years ( some of them Film stars too!!).
I have spent a few thousand of hours carrying out structural repairs on old birds, dirty smelly shitty work ( but excellent for paying the bills,

) .
One of my favorite planes that I've worked on was the mighty Phantom F4 , a relative youngster from the 1960's and with those ghastly Jet engines . Even until quite recently it was one of only a handfull of Modern(ish) fighter jets with a higher than 1:1 power/weight ratio meaning it could go vertical and still accelerate. Sitting at the end of a runway watching one of those babies sit on its tail and 'go ballistic' was a sight for sore eyes. Even better when you've just spent the past two months taking it apart and putting it back together again for a big check/inspection- no nerves though when it goes for its test flight , all that training, proffessionalism and teamwork , what could possibly go wrong..........
Old planes,
Nah, been there, done that , give me a nice new, modern aircraft (like i work on at the moment) and i'm much happier.