Arcam Comparison

Now you're asking! This was two years ago. I don't think we used the Arcam as a transport. I think we used Robbo's DPA transport. I'm not sure. Perhaps one of the others can remember?

The Arcam had more warmth. It also projected vocals more into the room so that they were clearer and easier to listen to. The DAC20 sounded a bit thin, a bit grey and a bit shut in by comparison. The Arcam had a smoother top end too. Basically the Arcam was just more involving and enjoyable to listen to.

There were a few dropped jaws at that bake-off. They weren't expecting much of the Arcam. They got a surprise ;)
To me the Arcam was much more detailed and felt that something was missing from the DAC20. The comparison wasn't helped by the output of the Arcam being about 10% higher than DAC20's. I sold the DAC20 because there was no improvement over what I already had, rather than any shortcomings in the DAC20.

However, I must stress that, it is a matter of opinion/taste and as TB said, one of the guys (Timpy, I think) preferred the DAC20 over the Arcam.
sane4sure said:
Hmmm, looks like A85 and a CD72T or CD73T or even CD82T may even be just within budget. Is it worth paying the extra over Alpha 9 CD and amp for better sound?
No. None of those will hold a candle to the Alpha 9. The ones that match or better the Alpha 9 are (DiVA) CD92, CD93 and CD192 (with or without a 'T').
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You shouldn't have to spend that much to get an Alpha 9. They must all be approaching 5 years old at best now so I would have thought £200 tops, maybe less. My usual rule is to divide by the number of years. That would put a 5 year old at £160 but Alpha 9's tend to command a bit of a premium because they are so good.

£350 would get you a CD92. It might even get you an older CD23. They've been around 5 years now I think.

The only 9CD I've come across so far was priced at £350 in a second hand hi-fi 'specialist'. I guess that I'm not in any great rush so will wait for a bargain to come along. Let's just hope my Tag gear doesn't sell too quick!
I'm not sure you would find an Alpha 9 cheaper than about £300 to be honest. I sold mine in early September on eBay for £350... I paid £350 about 1 year before that, so it doesn't look like they are coming down any more.
What about trying a NOS or Super DAC with something like a Pioneer stable platter for transport, or a DVD player.

Or even better, as I use a Behringer DEQ2496 which is about the same as a Super DAC but with room correction as well! Maybe they don't match looks wise, but the DEQ has an excellent spectrum analyser screen that look very cool.
Just thought I would add... I changed from my Alpha 9 to the DEQ2496 and a Cambridge Audo Discmagic transport and I don't think the sound is quite as good (the alpha 9 has more body and is smoother but the DEQ2496 is more detailed and with tweaks well who knows?) but the room correction more than makes up for it and it is cheaper as well!

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