Arcam - image problem?


I agree with you regarding TAG McLaren for stereo products. I was referring to their recent AV products which in theory you can keep for years.

Also TAG McLaren AV products are arguably very good for stereo so can be considered as an integrated AV/Stereo solution (even if they are not cheap!). So a good question by Lowrider. My guess is that they are not spending much to develop stereo any further but are maximising their income from their (Audiolab?) products. Also mayby it's because they need lower priced products to "hook" customers who may later by more expensive AV products.
Originally posted by lowrider
Why should TAG bother with their stereo products when most people are buying AV... :rolleyes:

And, believe me, they have upgraded a lot their range, more then most, including new powers... :MILD:


They have new products? Considering the retreat they seem to have beaten from most dealer outlets in this country, it would be hard pressed to tell!! :rolleyes:

As for not bothering with stereo products, it would be foolish indeed to abondon your "bread and butter" product lines in favour of the new "fashion".

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Dev, Too late now mate :) or was it ownership was offence enough :NADowner:

I am wounded :cry:

But seriously, I don't like or dislike ALL MF products. I think they have made and still make some excellent products but balance it by making some crap products just like any other maker. I think one should be objective about these things and not tarnish the whole make just because of personal bias. After all, HiFi is all about personal preferences.

To answer the question under your name, I have them, yours for a very reasonable price:D

In case you've forgotten what they look like (as if!), they're pictured on the left;)
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I think they are more into croissants... ;)

Why should they bother with stereo when lots of stereo people are getting into AV, and the new customers, with enough money, are only buying AV... :confused:

We know their bread and butter product is the AV32R, most other products come afterwards, and they have managed to keep it ahead of the competition, just listen to the dual processor, you will be amazed with its stereo playing, and then you have TMREQ to tame those non dedicated rooms most of us live with... :MILD:
Dev, to be fair mate, those XA 200 mono's arnt bad (I did hear a pair the other day, not too shabby either, better IMHO than the Nu-vista stuff (for music anyway) the Dac is ok 3.24 , I had one for a few months, no inoffensive and quite alive too, but it does require a good cable though :D
And I have to say, the service is second to none, they turned around my dac fault in 48 hours, pretty fair in anyones book. WM
Originally posted by Dev

To answer the question under your name, I have them, yours for a very reasonable price:D

In case you've forgotten what they look like (as if!), they're pictured on the left;)

Dev my friend, you're a bad boy... ;)

But they do look lovely :p