midlifecrisis said:a high level of 'rice krispies' background noise.

midlifecrisis said:a high level of 'rice krispies' background noise.
I was demming them with the matching power amp (PV12A??) - maybe it was that.badchamp said:Wouldn't think thats a PV-10 issue, mine's dead quiet
can't remember the model no but it matched the pre's price point and styling. I had plenty of problems with it - it dimmed the lights when switched on and sporadically threw an electrical wobbly which tripped the fusebox (admittedly very sensitive back then - since rewired...)! I decided that rebiasing the valves with a screwdriver every session wasn't really for me...badchamp said:Pv-12 is the next pre-amp up !
Maybe the valves were a bit noisy on second thoughts. I have heard that that can be a problem but TBH I've changed the valves in mine several time and never had a problem.
It's a bit harsh to tar all passive pres with the same brush based on the experience of the volume control on a Pure DAB tuner! As it's a DAB tuner the volume control on it is probably digital which is nearly always a very bad thing due to the loss of resolution at anything other than full volume. Even if it isn't it's hardly likely to have a top quality pot is it?Fen Dancer said:I tried running my Pure DAB tuner with its in-built volume control direct into the power amp. It sounded bloody flat and not at all nice. So that's one reason I'll avoid passive preamps in the future.
michaelab said:It's a bit harsh to tar all passive pres with the same brush based on the experience of the volume control on a Pure DAB tuner! As it's a DAB tuner the volume control on it is probably digital which is nearly always a very bad thing due to the loss of resolution at anything other than full volume. Even if it isn't it's hardly likely to have a top quality pot is it?
midlifecrisis said:I demmed one for a week before I got my Orca. Lovely treble and midrange but I found it had quite a high level of 'rice krispies' background noise.