ATC Active 20s

Could be, Wolfgang.

I used Kan stands with Active 10s, I was extremely surprised by how much better they were than the recommended mass-filled heavy stands. An awful lot cheaper too.

Duncan, stick a want to buy ad on Pink Fish, somewhere there is bound to have a pair of Sara stands.

-- Ian
I noticed the large improvement going from Atacama SE24 to the Targets - they're quite different in configuration (single hollow trapezoidal pillar, part-filled with sand vs. four rectangular resin-filled pillars) so maybe there's a difference in how they reflect sounds. TBH it had never occurred to me before and my first reaction was that it seemed unlikely, but on reflection I'm starting to warm up to the possibility..... I still think it would make sense that rigidity and mass damping have a large effect though..

As for the Sara stands, I just signed on today (was doing temp work and the project I was on finished last Friday, so I'm now jobless.....) so I think frivolous purchases will have to wait - God knows I've been purchasing enough frivolities the past few days! ;)


Wll ive got some great stands now,not too pricey but i dought i could have got any better.I have a pair of atacama sl 400s. Four pillar design,400mm hieght,very heavy now ive filled them with shot and i now sit at mid point between drivers like Dunlyboy advised .They sound very good now. :p
What stand do you recommended for accurate,control bass sound?
Linn sara stand,linn kan satan, atacama se24, atacama r724,Target etc.. :confused:
I don't like the warm sound ;)

Thanks for you reply in advance
Partington Super Dreadnought II's are supposedly very good, and not too pricey either. They don't look too pretty though... kind of industrial.
A decent valve pre with active atc's is essential. IME a ca2 pre sounds very dull and flat, thus making the atc's sound very dull and flat. A valve pre brings the music to life, makes it hologrphic and gives it a live sound, with a far wider sound stage. You'll never know how good the atc's are unless you have a valve. It's not even close. Make sure you get a very goood one though, so the bass remains tight - AR, EAR etc.
valve pre amp for ATC


I fully agree with you. I sold my ATC Active 10 to Andy D (the man with the DIY valve pre), then he sold them to Andy B in pinkfish. I used ATC CA2 with the Active 10, I was never very happy with the sound, especially with a Naim CD5, the system was dull and lifeless. When Andy D came to my house with his valve pre in order to test out the Active 10, I was amazed with the width of the soundstage and the clarity with the Active 10.

I much preferred my first pair of over 10 year old ATC passive SCM20 driven by some Naim amps, wish I never sold the SCM20. Now I use SCM12 which are better suited to my tiny listening area. It is also a bit more sensitive than the SCM20, so even a 35W Exposure 10 integrated amp can drive the SCM12 sufficiently.

I'd like a pair of SCM50 one day when I have a bigger room for listening.

why do you think a open-frame stands is better than a mass-filled heavy stands ?
with a open-frame stands will have a most accurate sound ?

best regards,
Does the "winky thing" you inserted mean that the post is a joke? If not, then what does it mean?

Mana stands come in any height you want, btw. But no doubt you knew that already.
Hello all

Since I've been mentioned I might as well join in!

I owned Hon's active 10-2s (still do but they are now on loan to a friend) and compared the active 20-2s to active 50s in the Cornflake Shop - which has the worst acoustics of any dem room I have ever been in, so take my comments with a pinch of salt. There is a family resemblance between the sound of these 3 active ATCs. The 10s are excellent speakers but have a coarser top end, in my view. I think they have a cheaper tweeter. The 20s and 50s are pretty similar in the mid and top but the 50s have significantly more weight and scale at the low end. I have a largish room and like speakers which can do the massed choirs/full-scale orchestral stuff with real SCALE, so I went for the 50s. They are wonderful and I now use them with an EAR864 valve preamp which is the icing on the cake: taut and deep bass, delicate and beautiful mids and no roll-off in the treble.



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