Audiolab Is Back !!!!!!!

batman said:
garyi,who asked you ya twat.....

Whats your problem? Burst your bubble or something? Neutral my ass. Unmusical perhaps but not neutral.
Batman like it or lump it mate every piece of hifi kit ever made offers up coloration, its the nature of the beast. Audiolab just happen to be dull so appear not to.

You can tell Shrink Robin that as well.
batman said:
... as for the av32r that could well be on my next upgrade audition list. what would be the primary difference between this and the pa 20r any idea ... cheers B

I've just unplugged my PA20R / DAC20 and slotted in the AV32R. It sounds significantly better to me, although some of that may be down to the T2L timing link between the transport and the AV32R. Other sources sound better too, even those (like the tuner) that get digitised first and then reconverted. The tuner's got two outputs, so when I've got time, I'll compare the analogue by-pass inputs to the ones that go via the processor. I don't think there'll be much in it if my memory of how it sounded through the PA20R is right.

The AV32R really does sound good, although, not really being into A/V, I can't help wishing I'd come across a good offer on the DPA - for stereo, it seems a more elegant solution. Probably less complicated than the AV32R as well!
Anex said:
Whats your problem? Burst your bubble or something? Neutral my ass. Unmusical perhaps but not neutral.

thats funny then isnt it... as i am very critical of a systems ability to involve me in the music and get my feet tapping.. and the audiolab/epos combo never fails to get me excited about the music every time. And thats with sources ranging from budget turntables to dittons DAX decade :-)

unless of course its just dull music ;-)

the point is i think theres a difference betweena bit of kit letting me enjoy my music as in the audiolab.. and a bit of kit throwing the music down my throat as in naim. I do enjoy the latter sound.. but not sure id wanna live with it long term.
Sorry, it wasn't meant to mean anything, it was just making a point to Batman about being so personal.
from where should the 'excitement' come (apart from the performers/recording):

Thus far, I've put my money on the dac and the speakers, doing without a pre, and not looking to the poweramp.

But I'm aware that some poweramps do try to add the umph, and that some like that.

(ed: moved to start new Poll thread)
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also back to the point at hand . what,s the dpa 32r like? this can incorporate a dab no?.. that might be a better option as i,m not really into the av side of things..
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