Audiophile MP3 player?

Well they sound fine to me too. Thats the point you see, they sound 'fine'. They are not the best audio I've ever heard but 'fine', as in perfectly acceptable for on the move or casual listening.

People really do restrict themselves far too much. Don't analyse stuff so much, life is far too short.

A good tune is a good tune and enjoyable whether its CD/mp3 or cassette.
Garyi - remember, we're the type of guys who prefer vinyl over CD (because cymbols decay properly, etc etc), so since they're used to listening to corrupt data derisable audio, we're onto a losing battle!

BTW - I don't *hate* CD - I can live with it, but much prefer vinyl, although of course this IS Mr Cloth Ears who's not really got on with LP12s...
just out of interest... and completely off the wall...

how many MP3 songs can you get on a regular CD-R (roughly?) - can you get loads more because the files are small?

(am thinking of getting a cd-player for the car that can play cd's with mp3's on)
Garyi, thats a distinct possibility, but at least that means I dont have to spend lots on hifi to enjoy music :D

Pumaman, you hit the nail on the head again about over analysing everything ;)

Bottleneck - Do it mate :) Seriously I've got a Pioneer DEH-P77MP and I couldnt go back to a plain old CD unit now. You can get around 7 CD's @ 192K on a single CD-R, and if you can get over the fact your listening to sucky MP3's then the convenience is unbeatable. I find my MP3 CD's more than acceptable in the car ;)
I would, if I had a car. I can hear the difference between tape, CD and MD on trains with all that ambient noise... My mates thought I was crazy for paying tonnes for a CD portable in 1992 - I had to have one!
technobear said:
I would choose cassette over MP3 any day on sound quality terms.

You might be right, I really regret selling my old Yamaha deck, I just didn't have room for it though.I personaly just use a portable CD player, it sounds good and its cheap (its a Panasonic somthing).
Usually I can tell a 120 kbps mp3 (LAME) and the original apart in an ABX type blind test. But 320 kbps, no way. My Stax headphones should be revealing enough. Maybe it's my ears.


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I wouldnt say the Ipod was intended for audiophile use, just looks cool and has great user interface+ i tunes has great flexiblilty and is easy to use. Did u listen to them on the standard headphones? With some £30 Sony's it can sound quite nice. I would pick my stereo over it any day though but on the move it makes journeys etc alot less boring.


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