Since there are a few F1 spectators here, I'm curious to know whether there are any present who also think that Ayrton Senna actually [U]wasn't[/U] the greatest thing since sliced bread? The tendency seems to be towards St. Ayrton, who can do no wrong. Now Senna was a great driver, undoubtedly one of THE greats, but the greatest? Of the drivers whom I've had the privilege of seeing (Fangio was gone before the television era and Moss's career was over as it started), the most talented I saw were the two Great Scots, Clark and Stewart. St. Ayrton was also, it seemed to me, an unpleasant boor at times, ramming Prost deliberately out of the Japanese GP to ensure winning the championship and coming to blows with Eddie Irvine for the grievious offence of unlapping himself at the end of one race (how dare he? - Eddie, with typical Northern Irish eloquence, told him to ****off). This behaviour is now concealed behind euphemisms "determined", "dedicated", etc. And in the end he was just too determined and paid for it. (The BBC Motorsport website has an interesting piece derived from the Williams telemetry on what the car was doing at the time of the crash).