Bake off at the sandman's

rsand said:
Rory, sure tag along, 140mile round trip shows dedication. As for your speakers are they fussy about setup?
not really. big rear port though so as long as they have plenty of room :)

You got stands or shall i bring my Atacamas?
Dont have stands, Ive never owned standmounts - they will be firing into a large window although drawing the curtains would help that.

I will pm address and directions today its very easy to find just 2 left turns from j26 m62 roundabout.
Sent directions out now an dphone numbers.

I will as Richard, put a couple of pizzas in oven, a few light snax and refreshments.

just a warning- i have been feeling really quite ill in past 24 hours (the dangers of working with kids) so consider this a premature apology if I may not be able to make it tomorrow. Sorry

I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass tomorrow Guys, Mucho appologies I have had to re-arrange my week, as I'm off for a much need break next week.
However I will attent next time. Wm
Mornin all, back in the harness after 2 long days manning a trade show at the NEC.......

I'm still on for tonight, Isaac what thanks for the driving offer - what time are we meeting at yours?
6:15 I think Chris. Gives us time to get lost en route. :D

I take it this means you're not going to be able to help me move that filing cabinet then WM?
Dropping like flies, at least everyone will get a chair now :)

Hope you feel better soon Rory, I'll see you and WM next time. Rob
Rob - given comments here and on the 'woman scorned' thread ref facial hair, many blokes, curtain closures and nosey neighbours i might just have to turn up with a very large box, clearly marked

1 dozen blow up dolls..... :D
size - one size fits all...... :D

Isaac - assuming 'moving the filing cabinent' is not a euphamism for something else :eek: i can probaly get to yours for 6 and assit in relocation of the said item if you like
I do actually get on with them all very well, one is an old alcoholic, the other a couple we used to spend a lot of time with (they along with departed gf were round the other night for a curry) they (or at least his missus) is despearate for me to let her move back in as they are close friends.
Other neighbours include his parents and my sister and family, its yorkshires answer to ramsey st.
No 'flic scully' aka Holly Valance, I wish! She would still be living here if she did ;)
uuuugggghhhhh no give me some credit. I use to think that school teacher was okay when she first joined, in a much older so loads of experience sort of way.

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