Bargain spotted

Originally posted by amazingtrade
As somebody said on the HFC forum, to some people a £100 aiwa mini system is good.

And that's a sad fact - but then again, does that make them any less of a MUSIC lover to have what we might call inferior, japcrap systems?

Incidentally - most modern Aiwa stuff really IS japcrap - their 3 disc mini autochangers from a few years back being a prime example. Rather like Sony's DVD drives (premature failures etc) and their KVF-xU range of tellies (faulty motherboards). However, my parents have a circa 1990 Aiwa mini (seperates but with ribbon connectors) and it actually DOES sound fairly good - not on a pair with 100 quid per unit seperates, but it's good for a mini....
My mate has a £200 Sony mini system, my dad bought a CD based Sony midi system in 1987, and the 1987 sounds much better than my mates. Although it did cost him £500, the turntable is shockingly bad on it though, and the speakers went in the bin.

Have you seen the speaker cables which comes with mini systems these days? its thiner than door bell wire! And I am talking about JVC here! At least Denon try.
Seriously what do all these numbers mean? how many products are there in the marantz line up?

These numbers signify a non quantifiable but arguably perceived linear increase in performance and kudos as you move progressively from the least expensive to the slightly more inexpensive. They are fodder for the consumptive appetites of the lower echelon consumers of a capitalist nurtured society, and enhance the culturally dictated myopic premise that progress and advancement are a neccessity and desirability which is a scientificaly proven matter of fact, ending in a non identifiable future utopian time warp of unboundless super hedonism and freedom for all of the usurped God's smartest children. The consolations of arriving at the pinacle of numbers on the gravy train of human conceived manufacturing endeavour par excellence, is the glint of futility in the reflection of the highly polished fascia of the accomplished fruits of ones tiresome, mechanical and mundane endeavours, followed by a whisp of euphoric and tantalising nostalgia. But fear not, there is hope in science and progress and the genius of mankind, to escape from the mire of thwarted dreams. When the numbers run out, a shining star from the heart of the green and pleasant land will shatter those shards of doubt and reminiscence, and emmerging on a cloud borne on the backs of virgin angels, the history books of all human woe, suffering and broken shards of twinkling LED's will be relinquished, to be displaced forever, in a black hole of sheer pulsating beauty from which there will be no return from deliverence. The chariot of destiny will cast its cargo into the boundless ecstasies of the promised land. Here happiness resides for the duration of the beating pulse - implanted in the synapses of a prior biological and primordial creature - this ertswhile simplistic conglomoration of biotic juices will flinch randomly in a yearning for ascetic beauties - but its forces are minimal and subdued by the omnipresence and magnificence of the imminent though obscure plagerised glowing future halo. The future folds in on itself and time holds still - there is no past and no future just salubrious Naim time ripples of euphoria. There is no escape from this matrix - there is nothing to escape to, only the end of a life will realise the myth of Sisyphus.
lmao, I tried reading it, but then I got double vision so had to give up. I shall attempt again with my laptop has it has a TFT screen rather than my CRT one.
Originally posted by cookiemonster
The consolations of arriving at the pinacle of numbers on the gravy train of human conceived manufacturing endeavour par excellence, is the glint of futility in the reflection of the highly polished fascia of the accomplished fruits of ones tiresome, mechanical and mundane endeavours, followed by a whisp of euphoric and tantalising nostalgia. But fear not, there is hope in science and progress and the genius of mankind, to escape from the mire of thwarted dreams. When the numbers run out, a shining star from the heart of the green and pleasant land will shatter those shards of doubt and reminiscence, and emmerging on a cloud borne on the backs of virgin angels, the history books of all human woe, suffering and broken shards of twinkling LED's will be relinquished, to be displaced forever, in a black hole of sheer pulsating beauty from which there will be no return from deliverence. The chariot of destiny will cast its cargo into the boundless ecstasies of the promised land.
(contd. p94)
Sounds like one of Humph's links on "I'm sorry..." :D
Originally posted by sideshowbob
I'm guessing Albert Camus. But I thought he used NAD, not Marantz?

-- Ian


I think i was absconded by a stream of consciousness from the ghost of a disfigured hot rod wielding WM syncretic cable monster with a dangerous circumlocution viral infection. Its not a plagerised quote - nobody would degrade themslves with such perturbing rambling sophistry and hugger-mugger in a public place (neither do i believe where the solutions of Naim in place at the time of Camus' presence on this earth - if it had of been, maybe the guy would have been a cook or bar tender rather than a sempiternal philosopher, with slightly less perspiration on the brain). I guess your reference to Camus is in regard to the Myth of Sisyphus - which he merely appropriated as the tiltle of one of his books to 'illustrate' its existentialist verses. NAD of course grows on lush fruit trees planted in the finest clay - anything that fine and natural would surely be sanctioned by the aforementioned gentleman. Marantz is for the cerutti yielding suave character of style, grace and panache - for display in the guest room. A man's Nad's in contrast, are his own private kingdom.
Indeed that would be my pretext at this current juncture, forgive my indulgence. I think the storm has now abated - and a honeycomb crunchy bar is lurking on the horizon as my cyclical contractual responsibilities are nearing another close, which should dispel any residual goblins in the mother ship.
Originally posted by cookiemonster
Indeed that would be my pretext at this current juncture, forgive my indulgence. I think the storm has now abated - and a honeycomb crunchy bar is lurking on the horizon as my cyclical contractual responsibilities are nearing another close, which should dispel any residual goblins in the mother ship.

Chocolate! The great leveler! I prescribe two bars for your condition! You rambling fool! :)
In fairness Cookie, that was the best explantion I have gotton so far ;)