Beginners Turntable

ya if i find out some one from here gets it before me there will be hell to pay :P lol

hopefully if it goes for under 150 i'll be quids in :D
Nah you got a much better deal with the RB300, the 200 can't really hold a candle to the 300, especially when you put the origin live weight on
ya it came with a cart not so sure if its any good possible worth looking at after the phono stage and getting some vinyl
I'd get it checked out under a microscope if I were you.

If the cart is knackered you can completely knacker your vinly very quickly..
i'll give it a good eye over first but the details say it is in good condition just an un-named one.

Any so where is good to get new vinyl got a few albums I would love to get that I have on CD, would be nice to see the differance, only stuff I got atm is pink floyd and a few random things.
There was a thread on where to buy vinyl online in this forum and the music one not long ago, that had some good links
well I recieved the TT delivered by hand no less :D all the way from London, that came on saturday but only today had the chance to set it up properly.

I had it going straight into my amp Phono socket but wasnt sounding to good so I made use of my mixer which seems to have a better phono stage in it then my amp, although i doubt as good as any proper kit.

still waiting for my first order of records to get here untill then i've been playing random stuff my parents have, that mainly being "Introducing the hardline arcording to Terrance Trent Darby" which I have had for a while on CD aswell so interesting comparason.

also had on pink floyd, bob marley & the eagles but my parents collection is a mess with all the scretches ect.

if you're looking for a phono stage

walrus have an MF X phono stage in for 75,
emporium have project one for 35.
graham slee's start at 85..
bottleneck said:

if you're looking for a phono stage

walrus have an MF X phono stage in for 75,
emporium have project one for 35.
graham slee's start at 85..

Good value all. Except given that we have a cart of unknown vintage or provinence and no knowledge of how well its set up - that might be first port of call. Still the phono stage in the amp must be a bit of a stinker if the one in the mixer is better, I'd have thought. Zoomer, what kind of amp is it?
Ok, here is where I get slated, lol.

The amp is a Technics SU-A707 hopefully soon to be replaced with a NAD power and a ? pre combo.

on the subject what would be a good cart sub £100
zoomer, everyone seems to rate the basic Denons. Do a search on ''denon'' here or on pink fish media and you will see many posts on it.

You might get an ortofohn mc15 super II for £100 (normally £115) and thats a great high output moving coil.

details on some carts here

whats your budget for pre/power? - perhaps people might have suggestions for pre/powers or integrateds that have good phono stages? (up to you)
Or check ebay, theres often some low useage Goldring 1040s on there which are nice carts.
Good pre/power could be a Naim 32/62 into a 110 or 140, they're very good amps not a bad phono stage, but well outclassed by my Graham Slee 2.
You know though Zoomer I've seen the future and it's valve shaped. Look at some of the Chinese one's coming in. The Ming Da's sold by Edenlake are a good start. Mine's getting better all the time, and looks a million dollars. Get a good phono stage and I reckon it'd cost you a significant sum of money to better it.

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