The Death of Beltism Has Been Greatly Exaggerated.
It's very much alive. Though that address is not.
Its been updated. Peter has been continually producing new products for 30 years now; the last being just a few weeks ago, the "Universal Magnabloc". It works a treat. :MILD:
"Beltism" has been alive since the dawn of man. So don't worry, it's not going anywhere. But asking the "collective opinion" of Beltism from people who know anywhere form absolutely nothing to next to nothing about it, and all assume its a bunch of twaddle? Not a wise move, my friend. The responses are as predictable as the sun and the rainfall. That's why I'm here. To shed a little light on the dark ignorance. :JPS:
"But the trouble is ..some things work .....a lot don't but some do !"
No. They ALL work. Things in audio don't "work or not work" depending on your personal ability to hear them. Or even depending on whether they can be objectively measured or not.
I know. Some nervous people are very saddened by that.
Joe: "It all comes down to whether you can trust another person's hearing "
That is a bizarre statement. Have you not learned to trust your
own hearing?
"Here's the view of "Stereovile", a magazine that I ignore (as I do all the others) because of its belief in magic, but this article shows that all hope is not yet (quite) lost:"
Here's another one:
Funny how you don't ignore a magazine you call "Stereovile", when they are echoing your beliefs. But now I guess you're gonna go back to ignoring "Stereovile" again, as they're not necessarily spouting what you want to hear any longer. Way to stay on top of things in the ever-evolving world of audio!
"Polishing fuses i can understand, i cant reconcile purple ink helping a fuse. Maybe electrons prefer the calming influence of purple!"
Or maybe you've let your technical schooling become a religion. "All hail Lord Newton". :slayer:
"As for Beltism, it's possible to convince yourself of just about anything."
Which you're demonstrating quite aptly, in your unfounded remarks against Beltism, thanks. :JOEL: