Best headphones for ipod on the move?

Anyone tested the difference between the E2c and the E3c? E3c is about £80 on ebay. My ipod earphones that came with it have literally just busted so am looking for an improvement over them. Ta :MILD:
It depends on how much more are you willing to spend. The very best small in-ear phones that money can buy are Shure E5C - they have two separate little treble and bass drivers and a crossover built into the cord. Bass extention is unbelievable. As is the price - 500 USD.
I'm running a pair of Etymotic er6i's. For the price, one of the best earphones I've heard. But they are pricey...

They're specifically tuned for iPods with slightly higher bass response than the other Etymotics. That being said, they are still "leaner" than the Apple ootb headphones which are positively wooly in the bass. In comparison, the Etys are far more dynamic and have faster bass.

In comparison to Shure's, the Shure's actually have a lot more bass, but aren't as accurate as the Ety's (IMO of course).

If you fly a lot, they also cut down on noise levels and for once I could actually get some sleep :). Mind you, pretty dangerous when jogging.

(I actually just bought a U2 iPod as well, and for some reason, I think it sounds better than the mini)
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I've got the Sony Ex71's and a pair of the senheisser PX200's. I use them both with my ipod mini, and they both sound excellent. Far... far.. better than the free headphones you get with the ipod.

Out of the 2 I would say that the PX200's sound the best. IMO quite a bit better than the Sony's too, which can at times sound shrill (even with the 3 hole tape MOD). However, the sony's are still very good, and are actually the ones I choose to use most of the time. Probably because of comfort / portability / looks / and bass.

Basically, I'd decide how much you want to spend / where & how you are going to use them / what type's you are prepared to wear in public / and what type of music you are going to use them for. If you answer those q's then you will prob only have 1 type that matches your answers. I'm sure all the headphones listed in this thread will/do sound superb.

FYI, I can not compare these headphones to the likes of Shure and the Etymotics though, as IMO they cost too much for portables (that I use in the gym, etc and just chuck in my bag).

The great thing about the Sony EX71s (a feature they share with Etymotics) is their external sound isolation. If you're going to use an iPod anywhere remotely noisy (like public transport or planes) then they cut out a nearly all the external noise which is a huge benefit to hearing the music. As a result you also don't need to turn up the volume so high which is good for your ears and good for your fellow passengers ;) (even if you had the volume on full with a pair of EX71s the person next to you wouldn't be able to hear anything).

For my job I fly to New York a lot in business class where you get given a pair of Bose active noise cancelling headphones (American Airlines). I now always just use my EX71s instead - they reduce the external noise better than active noise cancelling and are much more comfortable to sleep with too :)

Forgot to mention, mine is indeed a U2 black n red ipod2 :D goes with my hair which is black and red at the mo :cool: so can the £40 vouchers only be used for music by u2? I havent got headphones yet but do they sell those sonys at argos?Ive hada look at the shures, they look far too weird to wear in public! :p i havent messed around with the settings on itunes yet and im sure its been discussed many times before what the best format is-i didnt take much note back then as i didnt own an mp3 player but can some1 give me a recap? cheers.

Ultrasonic said:
Forgot to mention, mine is indeed a U2 black n red ipod2 :D goes with my hair which is black and red at the mo :cool: so can the £40 vouchers only be used for music by u2? I havent got headphones yet but do they sell those sonys at argos?Ive hada look at the shures, they look far too weird to wear in public! :p i havent messed around with the settings on itunes yet and im sure its been discussed many times before what the best format is-i didnt take much note back then as i didnt own an mp3 player but can some1 give me a recap? cheers.


I always use mp3 on my ipod. I honestly cant tell the difference between it and aac, and seeing as mp3 is a far more universal format i just think its more convenient. HTH
I got the Sony MDR71's in the end as they were conveniently on a rack in the Sony centre :D They do sound quite abit better than the standard phones and are a damm site more comfortable! i love the soft rubbery texture too which makes them feel classier. Noise rejection is the best ive heard from an in ear design, having the pod on moderate levels makes all outside noise completely dissappear! the only noise u can hear is when you chew gum on blow your nose :p Bass is definaetely alot more authorititive and midrange has extra clarity. Top end is abit tinny with certain tracks but generally it behaves and has impressive detail. bargain at £32! highly recomended


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