bi-amp vs dual monoblock

Thanks Isaac. I have my setup in a rack, and, as i make my own solid silver interconnects and speaker cable, i have made some up and have 0.75m cable. I am limited by the fact that i live in a house with furniture, children etc so i am happy with the current setup. I am really looking forward to tomorrow when i can turn up the system. I am currently running the folowing. RC995 pre, 2 RB971 Power, Marantz CD5400, Arcam Delta 80 tuner, Linn LP12 with basik lvx and Eroica MC and own make interconnects/speaker cables. All this is run through wharfedale pacific evo 20 floorstanders (bought recently and very impressed).
I am going to leave it at this for a considerable time.
Oh, and I should add...

What I recommended for Johnandchris to do works for the specific rotel amplifiers he has. Don't try it at home kids.

Hey Isaac, I am very interested to test this balanced-biamping with my rotels rb-03. What properties does a power amp need in order to be suitable for this setup?

Best regards,
Isaac, I was interested by wat you said about bridging.

Do you think I would be able to do the same with my LK280's ?
isaac. as you design class d could I ask
could you use 2 bel canto refs for the bass and 1 s300 for the treble?
in other words would using a less powerful amp on the tweeter matter matter [ speakers are b&w 804s]
Ooohhh.... thread from the dead.

Forestforger - if the amplifier is bridgeable then it should be suitable for this technique - if not, you'd need to know more about the amp. My understanding is that the RB03 is bridgeable and so would be suitable, but check the manual.

Rawhide - I have no idea and consequently would not recommend it.

hifinutt - what I do doesn't really alter my answer to this question. What you are asking is about biamping with dissimilar amplifiers - there's no problem with this as long as the voltage gain of the two amplifiers is the same (or you can set an offset between sets of outputs on your preamp - eg NAD C372 can do this).
thanks. i don`t really understand all of this but the voltage gain of both ref1000 and s300 power amp is 27db each. but obviously the former puts out more watts
can I say a big thankyou to isaac, tried biamping with an s300 and 2 refs and sounds very good, more snap, more presence now I just have to find a preamp with dual outputs or continue using my rca splitter
Changed setup

I have recently aquired a Michi RHC-10 which has replaced my RC-995. I am very pleased with it, it gives a lovely sound.
I am currently running 2 RB-971 amps in bridged mode and using each as a monoblock per speaker (single wired).
I have read on the internet that an even better was of connecting them is in "PSEUDO BALANCED" mode as described here.

but there's an even better way of doing it if you can live with a little less on the effect side compared to the bridged mode, namely "pseudo-balanced" mode.
You'll of cause need two RB 981', and then you short-fuse one channel on each of the 981's by the help of a shortfused jack. Then connect each channel of the cable connecting the pre-amplifier to the remaining channel on each of the 981's - and the power-anplifiers are in pseudo-balanced mode.
The result is an astonizing amount of control because the transistors in one side of this stereo-amplifier now is dedicated to "dampen" the signal when needed. The noise-floor comes down to virtually nothing and the dynamics gets astonising - even copared to the bridged mode.

My question is, what is meant by a sort fuse on the channel. Is it simply connecting positive to negative?
I would like to try it if possible. Any help welcomed.

Thanks John