Bloody hell...roy Gregory...

pauldixonuk said:
I buy Hifi choice and Hifi news. To me there are ok. Halfway between the two extremes of What Lowfi, and What Utter Nonsense.

I stopped buying What Hifi because Mrs H would always insist on pointing out that it should be titled 'Which Hifi', and the novelty of that soon wore off.
Anex said:
You what?! Did you actually read what I said? I wasn't 'chucking around aspersions about others' honesty' ANYWHERE. That is what I took the thread
as being about. Personally I don't give a toss what kit reviewers use or get free.

Keep yer wool on! I didn't mean you personally, but some others in this thread have chucked aspersions around with gay abandon..
Ok but quoting me made it look like it was specifcally aimed at my post.
penance said:
Have you read another thread?
I havent seen anyone say that :rolleyes:

Penance & Anex,

You both know what I'm trying to get at; who gives a t*ss what reviewers conclude (and what kit they use) - listen to the kit and make up your own mind!
Well, the way other thread contributors have worded their responses would suggest otherwise. People seem to follow these hacks religiously and hang on every word they say (hence the heated debate!)

Gregory & Co are gonna be laughing their heads off over this thread at Plus Towers. Should we be doing them the honour of having their kit/rags discussed on this forum?

Dynamic Turtle said:
Well, the way other thread contributors have worded their responses would suggest otherwise. People seem to follow these hacks religiously and hang on every word they say DT

I didn't read them that way at all. The question is to whether the reviews are legit. I don't think anyone wants to buy stuff just on a review alone I think the point is people would rather know they can trust what they're reading. Then they can make their mind up what is what.
There always are people who hang on someone or others every word but I don't see any in here.

Dynamic Turtle said:
who gives a t*ss what reviewers conclude (and what kit they use)
I said exactly that about 4 posts before. And wasn't the first.
julian2002 said:
i think there is a bit of the green monster in there somewhere too saab.
if you are ovine enough to believe everything you read in the glossies and purchase based solely on a reviewers recommendation without listening for yourself then you deserve the system you get.


I totally agree,I've said nothing to the contrary,but RG seems to be guilty until proven innocent for doing nothing more than listing his gear,everything else is worthy or Frank Cannon on Speed
My only beef with RG is that he's nearly illiterate. I can barely force myself to read his turgid ramblings, and I wish he'd use a spell checker. Most reviewers get freebies and discounts, that's no great surprise.

-- Ian
This whole thread is a waste of time.If you disagree with RG then don't buy the magazine.Bleating about it on the web is utterly pointless.All this 'come clean' sillyness,just buy another bleading mag!
Where as I don't agree with RGs reviews - he always states what associated equipment he uses when reviewing a product.

I've had dealings with the guy who owns Audiofreaks - I bought several products direct from him afew years back, and apart from him slagging my equipment off, he is very proud of what he distributes and made me very welcome at a hifi show a few years back. His service back to me was excellent as well.

I can understand why an editor of a magazine appreciates the guys products he sells. Having heard Avalon speakers several times - if I had the chance to buy them at retail I'd certainly take it.

hifi reviewers are part of the industry and as such probably never pay full whack for equipment.

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