budget cd player

FWIW the system was Sony CDP-XE300 / DENON PMA250SE / Mission 731i

It was a well balanced system and was never 'a bit much in the treble'

(until the day we tried a Marantz CD63SE that is :crazy: )
stuartswan said:
im not looking to spend more than £50 looking for anything to trade?

I've got a Yamaha CDX-496 you can take off my hands. Make me a sensible offer (they originally retailed at £180). It was my first 'proper' CDP and was in good working order, as new condition, when I last checked.
technobear said:
FWIW the system was Sony CDP-XE300 / DENON PMA250SE / Mission 731i

I had the system Sony CDP-XE510/Denon PMA250SE/Mission 731i (who said WHF?) and I actually did find this too bright, with a strong tendency to sibiliance on the wrong discs too. I was going to say avoid a Sony for this reason, but going by Technobear's comments it may be a question of which Sony then...
Not necessarily. All cheap systems have problems with sibilance and the one I listed was no exception but the Sony softened it enough to be tolerable.

hificrazy said:
ALL Missions are a 'bit much in the treble' ;P

That simply isn't true. It's usually the CD player that is at fault. I've had the 731i which is no worse than anything else in its price band and better than many. I've also had the 773e and these actually sounded damn good when the source was an Arcam Alpha 9. I had the 780se for a short while too and these were even better in the treble. Very clean and not at all forward or bright. Then again maybe you have a bright room.
In all honesty its probably more likely down to the fact that every persons hearing and ear response at any given frequncy is different - often much more widely than you might believe.

I am and always have been particularly senstive in the treble area, note i dont in anyway mean thats better merely an area where i am more senstive than normal - i probably have deficiencies elsewhere!

Ive heard many different missions in many different systems and rooms. To my ears theyve always been horribly harsh. You might find my speakers a bit on the restrained side. (my first proper system as such of new components was the Rotel 965BX and the Arcam Alpha 3 and Tannoy 603 - most people would find that very laidback - but i had to have it like that because i found everything so harsh) Each to their own, we all enjoy the music and thats what counts. :D
Keep an eye out for a Marantz CD52SE or CD50SE. Both have a high standard of build and component quality; particularly good early nineties CD players.

These regularly go for around the £30 mark on eBay.
batfink said:
I've got a Yamaha CDX-496 you can take off my hands. Make me a sensible offer (they originally retailed at £180). It was my first 'proper' CDP and was in good working order, as new condition, when I last checked.

have u got anymore info? does it have remote?
Stuart, it seems to me that you can get a CD player that is not really all that great for about £35 or so but the next step up is about £80 so maybe you would be better off waiting and saving up a bit more? Remember that rubbish in = rubbish out... or so some say!

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