Buying from USA

what about "hiring " the cables from the states ? after all there olny avalible from this one company orificer:D
As for sneaking things through in your own luggage, that's how I got the lens and binoculars through. However, since I had the rest of my camera gear with me, neither item looked out of place nor unusual.

As for

So this guy,for example,has my 2 cables,uses normal US postage,sticks them in a packet, posts them to my house in spain,as he is private seller there is no reciept obviously just the goods.

It arrives at customs? or postoffice? they open it,laugh it's just kettle leads,I mean do they really know what it is? it's value?How do they deter if its cheap or exspensive,if it was new with a reciept ok fair enough,but second hand through a private individual?

The answer is that when you go to a post office in the US, the UK, france, australia or pretty much any other country, and you send an international parcel you are given a little customs slip to fill out. On this you must state the content of the parcel and the value. You must then sign this declaration (and thus it becomes legally binding).