Calling all northerners!


Good Evening.... Infidel
Jun 25, 2003
Reaction score
In a world of pain
Two possible items here...

1) I guess I'm in a position to host a bakeoff now, so anyone in the area (I'm near oldham) who's interested, let me know! Names I know of people around here are Amazingtrade, lordsummit, rickyc, scidb.... any of you guys, and anyone else interested, let me know!

2) Not so fixed to a particular area yet, but not going too far afield, is anyone up for a bit of a meet up for a drink and to go and see Shrek 2? Provisionally say 2nd or 3rd week of July to let the initial rush die down a little. Perhaps Huddersfield might be a fairly central place for this?

Any interest in one or both possibilities, respond!
Definitely on for the bake-off. I was planning to offer to host one, when I'd got the missus drunk enogh to agree. I'm not far from you at all, just 20 minutes away in Heywood.
Sadly all weekends in July have gone now, otherwise shrek 2 would have been great
Perhaps Huddersfield might be a fairly central place for this?

I've never thought of Huddesfield as a fairly central place for any thing. But then again I'm a ignorant Londoner. BTW where's Huddesfield?

bloomin eck, whenever i hear someone say "north" (of england) i automatically assume Cumbria & Northumberland, they're the only counties i cass as truly being in the north of england :p

North Yorks can just get away with it, but i stand by my guns here :p :D

i can get to Carlisle easy enough, and Hexam/newcastle without much bother. last time i thought about getting to York or Leeds i was put off my the train prices :( (me being restricted to trains and busses :()

gah, i'm sure my outlook will change once i have me licence :D

[edit] how about a meet in Scunthorpe? or Grimsby? :D
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Hi Isaac,

Sounds like a good idea.

How about Manchester for the meet up? It's easy to get to by train, plenty of bars & cinemas. Or even going for a bite to eat.

Not been to Hudderfield for a while. Used to DJ there about 8 years ago.

johnhunt said:
Perhaps Huddersfield might be a fairly central place for this?

I've never thought of Huddesfield as a fairly central place for any thing. But then again I'm a ignorant Londoner. BTW where's Huddesfield?


Fairly close to where I live John. Happy to show you around sometime?

They don't have real beer in the south, the last place you can get beer is London. After that it's all dishwater. In fact they put washing up liquid in it from Birmingham down so as get that unique used dishwater look. When will you southerners learn that real beer comes with a head

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