Campaign to eliminate separate DAC boxes starts here!

Separate dacs were the big-and-coming thing even 20years ago. The only reason most don't go looking to use older boxes is the lack of easy USB input - though that can be solved easily/cheaply if you want a small,cheapish third add-on box...

.... well, that, and the immortal idea that newer is better just-because. We all know how realistic that may prove!

More seriously, many high-quality older dacs will not offer higher than about 16bit/48Khz input capability. Since I think few sources and masterings get anywhere near to the resolution that already implies, personally I don't think it's a serious limitation. In many ways I'd rather have the earlier-tech DAC chip and the well-considered, bombproof analogue stages and linear PSUs than the latest 1-bit wonder [size=-2]and matching rudimentary datasheet-based implementation by a cad idiot el-cheapo output stage with ceramic caps and SMPS[/size] all at a low price. However, the older brutes are not 'teh shineh' so... many will pass-over some true engineering bargains ;)
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many high-quality older dacs will not offer higher than about 16bit/48Khz input capability. Since I think few sources and masterings get anywhere near to the resolution that already implies, personally I don't think it's a serious limitation. In many ways I'd rather have the earlier-tech DAC chip and the well-considered, bombproof analogue stages and linear PSUs ...................many will pass-over some true engineering bargains ;)

Wise words from Felix.

Both of my standalone DAC boxes were 10+ years old when I bought them second hand and I paid less than £100 for each.

Yesterday a Creek DAC 60 sold for £57 on ebay and there are a couple of DPA Little Bit 3 DAC's on ebay right now. I don't know much about either but they are both clearly very nicely engineered units.

I'd love to find a really high end old TDA1541 based old DAC at a bargain price. Marantz project D1 mmmmm
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Are you suggesting the Hi-Fi buying public don't have the intelligence to decide on what equipment they need to buy?
Perhaps you could offer a "System Appraisal Service" and using your knowledge advise them on future upgrades!

Yes that's certainly applicable in some cases.
It's not lack of intelligence though, it's lack of knowledge.

The standalone dac won't disappear over night, but I bet five years from now they'll occupy a far smaller chunk of the market with far more reliance on what comes inside integrated players and amplifiers, or even the loudspeakers themselves as active continues to push into the home audio market.

I'd love to find a really high end old TDA1541 based old DAC at a bargain price. Marantz project D1 mmmmm

MF Digilog was supposed to be good.
Did meridian ever produce a standalone dac using that chip?
It was certainly used in their 206 player as I have one.
Did meridian ever produce a standalone dac using that chip?
It was certainly used in their 206 player as I have one.

The list of TDA1541 based players and DACs I have doesn't show one from Meridian.

The most complete list I have found is this one:

Be warned though, I think there are a few errors on it. For example I don't think the Mission players and the Rotel RCD 855 had the S1 chip.
Ah that's interesting. I think they've got the Mission players labelled incorrectly. The higher cost and later model PCMII definitely had the S1, and it also had the CDM4 mech. I had one back in the day running through a Cyrus 2/PSX. That player had an identity crisis like many Mission products - with 'Mission' on the display and 'Cyrus' on the chassis :)

Very nice player - basically an upgraded Philips like many back in the day.
You could drive the analogue output section via a low voltage regulated output on the PSX.
I used to have a Sony DVD player - this one:

I think the ex-wife still has it! I confess to buying that for the sexy front cover and drawer mechanism! Wondering what DAC is inside that, and how much grovelling I would have to do to try to get it back......
I wouldn't get a TDA1541. It's a 16bit dac. I don't think there really is a chip of choice since all modern ones perform very well indeed.

If looking for an eBay DAC PCB I'd opt for AKM AK4399 because the voltage output makes using your own output circuit easy. However TI PCM1792 is also good (I/V stage needed for this chip). PCM1794 PCBs will be out soon I expect.
Thanks. I am totally bemused by all these different chips/dacs and wonder if I could tell the difference. There are too many to compare properly.