Castle Harlech v. Monitor Audio Silver 8?

Another view:

I've taken the plunge and ordered Rosewood Conways from Peter Tyson for £599. At that price you can't really lose.

Haven't got a lovely ATC amp like yours Chris, but I think the A85 should pass muster in the detail department, until I can afford something better.

Thanks again for your advice, and for giving me the Tyson contact.

Well I just typed Castle Conway into Google :shame:

Remember they'll need time to run in. I'd give 'em at least a month to really come on song. They'll sound a bit slow and pudding-like at first. Give 'em some time.

Oh, and the A85 should be well up to driving them. They are fairly efficient.
Should be a good choice Emiliano.

Castle speakers work very well with Arcam electronics in my opinion, offering a relaxed listen that doesn't fatigue. Give them plenty of time to run in though!
If you get the positioning right, the Conway 3 can create a huge soundstage. Mine are 18 inches from the back to the wall and 26 inches from the side to the wall and are toed in to cross just in front of the listening position.

They are 72 inches apart centre to centre which just happens to suit my room and I currently sit 132 inches away. The distance away was dictated by wanting to sit in a position which avoids the room resonant peak (at 50 Hz). The speakers have a full bass response so don't put them right up against the wall unless you have a huge room to fill. Similarly I wouldn't sit right up against the back wall or anywhere near the centre of the room to avoid the resonant peaks of the room. You will be rewarded with some very articulate and enjoyable bass.

My Castles sit on spikes on painted paving slabs 18 inch sqaure. This reduces the effect of having a suspended wooden floor. I use 1p pieces to stop the spikes scratching the paint.

The speakers can be bi-wired but I found it doesn't make much if any difference so I now use jumpers made from the same speaker cable. Don't use the brass jumpers that come with the speakers. They will affect the sound.

I also don't use the grilles. The speakers look gorgeous without them anyway. The wood finish is simply stunning.

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