I have a Goodman's Multichanger, its basicaly a Pionner style (some body told me it does actually have a Pioneer transport but I cannot confirm this) one with the cartirdge slot, its Midi sized but probably from the mid 90's, its in good conditon and in full working order, it used to be my parents but when I upgraded mine I gave my parents my old Sony so its been stuck in the house for the last couple of years.
I've never bothered sticking it on ebay becuase I didn't think it would be worth the hassle with postage etc, if you're interested I can take a picture of it, it dosn't come with a remote control but the generic ones work with it.
I can let you have it for £15 if you wanted it, it sounds ok, I've taken the lid off and there seems to be a decent output stage, its not a bad CD player for what it is.
The only thing is I am in south Manchester, in Chorlton (about 4 miles south west of the city centre) if you know it, so it might be a bit out of your way.
If you're interested just let me know.