Chicken Pox

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by MO!, Mar 5, 2004.

  1. MO!

    joel Shaman of Signals

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Your're a medical marvel, Henry. Get yourself an agent. Quick! :D
    joel, Mar 6, 2004
  2. MO!

    Sid and Coke

    Jun 19, 2003
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    East Coast Scotland
    My young lad got chicken pox when he was about 1 or 2 , the poor soul was must unhappy, feeling ill and horrible big spots all over his belly and back. It was summer and thinking i had had Chicken Pox already and so immune i was quite happy to lay him on my lap and gently scatch his spots for him to prevent being quite so uncomfortable and grumpy. After speaking to my Mum on the phone she pointed out to me that although i'd had all of the other 'normal' childhood illnesses i'd never had chicken pox, Ah !...
    sure enough 4 days of intense headaches ( i never , ever get headaches ) followed by the most unsightly rash ever I knew all about chicken pox, i was 25 at the time and i reckon i suffered more than my lad. Although they say not to scartch the spots to prevent scarring it gave me such immense relief and pleasure to do so, i ignored all the advice and still have a few small scars to prove it. The two weeks off work was OK but i couldn't go anywhere in public as people would shy away thinking i was a leper, all in all a most unpleasant experience, you have my sympathies.
    Sid and Coke, Mar 7, 2004
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