Seperate spurs/Dedicated suppiles to hifi only components is good step in the right direction, and relitively cheap to preform to (From around £80 to £500 for the Mcb's/box/wiring and sockets) , gives good rewards for the investments.
What are you achieving by this, well Isolation from virtually ALL house bound contamination, IE Fridge/kettle/washing machine/tumble dryer/shower/cooker Etc. Big bouns
However, the same Shit is still coming in the house, albeit now pretty free of internal 'upsets', but it's still full of HF and common mode mains grunge, which You are Still feeding to the hifi system.
How you deal with rest is well up to you, weather you spend sums on trick power leads, mains filtering, reconstructing or just decent hard wired internal distribution units, is a matter of choice, I personaly would not use anything less that a power conditioner and HF filtering (and have done for over a year now) knowing the benefits it gives in MY system Virtually every where we have taken the power leads/condioners/filters they produced good sized increases in system preformance.
The beauty of the method is, one you have it in place, it's universal, so if you swop boxes at some point, you won't need to change the power side
Chris wrote..........
When I called, they'd stopped making them, but sold me all the 'bits' to make five cables up for £100 (they retailed at £60 each).
I put them all together.. and was blown away. The difference was incredible....well, it was incredible that their wasnt any difference! hehe
Ive since had shop demos of true colour industries, shunyata cables, and others too.
The best result Ive ever heard is things getting marginally brighter, or marginally duller. Nothing I'd personally say is worth spending any money on. I still use the cables I bought because its conveniant, theres no way Id spend even the £100 I have spent again if I had the choice.
IF you are going to try some, all Id suggest to anyone is make sure you get whatever cable it is on a sale or return basis, because while some peope experience massive differences, others (like me) experience little to none...
I do agree with a most of the points in there, and they are valid for all INDIVDUAL systems, I used to use Eupen's (£48) for all my leads, for the money a cracking cable and quiet happly as good as most stuff up to £120 (with better traits than some £170 cables), but a good improvement over stock (a no brainer really IMHO) also a lot of happy users on this forum too.
I do have a vested intrest in cables, however During the past 6 months or so, I have seriously had my eyes (and ears opened to how much an effect of the overall sound mains power has on it)
Now I'm not saying go out and spend great sums of cash on trick cables (power), what I'm saying is, those that think if they bought a $600 power lead and plugged it in, it'll transform their system by it's self

aint gunna happen, it may make a good difference, but the effect is comminicative, ie it needs to help/supplement the rest of the equipment.
Also different systems produce different results, due to their assembly, I use 2 different manufactures power leads, one for Trans+dac the other for the amp, and if you swop em' over Humm, intreseting results are had
Chris, I have to make this observation, you never seem to notice much of a difference weather It's a power cable/conditioning/speaker cable/Interconnects/Stands
Maybe you just the like sound you have and are used to it, possibly and some changes that may/may not be there just dont registar, for example last week when we were at Dino's just watching all the faces of the guys as items were changed one at a time, each indivdual was looking/listening for a 'Specific' difference, only 2 we listening for the musical togetherness
AS you have always been cautious towards all these different methods of 'alledged improvement' (justifibly so), I think you should come out to have a genuine listen for yourself, the other guys do, gives them a chance to gauge for themselves without recoarse to parting with drinking vochers

You could bring along your cables, and I'd put them in the system first, the swop to the ones I'm currently using, and some DIY ones, and then you could assertain for yourself, IF you thought there was any differenices at all.
I'm going as far to say, if you system is transparent enough, and you use a good I/C (not a mega buck one or flash name) a decent one should suffice, then the power will have more of an effect, then changing an I/c (in the relitive terms of the system)
A good I/C lets through more of the signal (but if the signals still not good, then it may sound some what worse

Have a think about it Chris, and if you don't feel any differences were there/not there, they I aint gunna be upset.

Cheers Tone