So I pop into my regular drinking hole to see who's about, and to kill some time while I wait for a taxi. It's very busy and I'm stood near the door when a very, very drunk girl shuffles about in front of me and drops her cigarette at my feet. She stumbles to pick it up and I chuckle to myself at the state she's in. She laughs back and acknowledges it's time for her to head home.... As she walks out the door with her friend, two guys walk in. Her friend carries on out the door and they seem to try pull her back in. I can see her saying she wants to go and one of the guys moves on. The other carries on pulling her back in and steering her towards a seat. She looks over at me and I make it clear I can see what's going on. The guys then starts to push her into the chair. Not violent, but in the state she's in the slightest of touches is enough to push her over. So I ask if she's ok.... Straight away the guy is face to face and asking what my problem is. I ignore him and ask her again if she's ok. He starts shouting at me asking what my problem is. I explain, no problem I'm just checking she's ok as he'd seemed to stop her leaving when she wanted to. He then starts shouting off about how I don't know him and how dare I accuse him of anything. What kind of a man am I to put my nose in his business. Points out for all I know they're best mates, married, brother and sister etc... Fair enough I say. But explain that all I've seen is her trying to leave with her friend, and him stopping her when she's in a very bad state. Surely if he is her friend he should be happy I'm checking she's ok. And use his "what kind of man am I...." line and say what kind of man would I be to not check she's ok? And the fact it's happening in front of me makes it my business. All the time I try to keep it friendly. The guy then starts shouting it's because I'm "A fucking racist" and it's because he's black! My reaction was shock and well, to laugh. "You're having a laugh right? I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, blue or green, I'd still ask if she's ok." I also explain I'm occasional staff in the venue and my brother is the manager, so I'm just checking she's ok. His mates start to come over and I think I'm about to get a kicking but luckily they appologise for him saying he's very drunk and pull him away. I spend the next 5 min's waiting for my taxi with him eye balling me and muttering under his breath. Few days later and I still can't belive it.