Crispy Cat


Nov 12, 2003
Reaction score
Kent, UK
I noticed something a bit odd yesterday but only got a proper look today. My cat has two marks on either side of her body where there is no fur and the skin is all red and hard. I think someone has tried to burn my cat! The fact that both marks are on exactly the same spot either side of her body seems odd if she just scraped herself on something. I can't see any burnt fur but I guess it could have been licked off by a day later.

We have lived here with cats for about 10 years and never have they been harmed. Now this sort of crap. What sort of dick-head minded people are in this world.

Just a week before this, my other cat came home with a load of gunky oily mess all over him just on one side. It had obviously been thrown on him since it was just on one side. I had to give him a bath as it was so oily he would probably have been sick and got cancer from licking it off.

I don't know of anybody who has moved in the area recently and I doubt anyone would admit to doing such acts so I don't think even asking door to door about it would get anywhere.

I swear there are more and more arseholes in this world than there were 5 years ago.

Could she have got caught in a fence or between some rusty railings?
That might explain why there are marks on both sides?

I know nowt about cats but if someone had inflicted those injuries perhaps she'd be behaving differently - shock and stuff?
They would have to be pretty bad scrapes to have taken the skin off as well, and they are not on the widest part of the body.

Sometimes we get people in the back ally sniffing stuff late at night, not often but sometimes, so...
When I first opened this thread, I figured it might concern cats and ummm..... microwave ovens :yikes:
if you do find that someone has purpously injured your cat. let me know - i'll bring the unleaded and a zippo.
it sounds like someone is trying to make some mome made napalm and is testing their formula on local cats. it may be worthwhile reporting it to the police - maybe chuck in a few words like muslim, and al-quaeda and watch the fur fly so to speak.

seriously - chucking a bit of water over a stray cat if they aren;t your thing and they're being too friendly is ok. this sounds like the work of a serious sicko.

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