DAC dilemma solved ??

OK, well thanks all for your replies!

Firstly, I think Henry has a point in that the Audio Physics/ room characteristics are on the leaner side. I also think that the PV-10 is also not allowing the full benefit of the Audions to come through.

Having said that, I have done some further listening :D and have experimented with different speaker positioning. Although I am somewhat limited in how far I can go there, certainly managed to improved matters.

Upon reflection the Chord brightness/ thinness thing might just be a relative quality compared to the balance of the Parasound possibly tipped towards the other end of the scale. It's not painfully bright or anything.

So, sorry Pete, going to persevere with it for a bit longer :p

I'm sure in the long run it'll be a wise investment :) Sounding better already

Have you tried going back to your parasound to see if the results are better/worse in your system?

Im sure you have, but am interested in what you think now after a bit longer playing with it.



My SIGMA II sounded much more dull and bassy than I remembered.. and took me some time to adjust to the balance. I now find digitalitus has gone, more bass, more music, slightly less detailed treble.... altogether more turntably, or valvy. Up my street really! :)

Just bought Jools holland hootenany thing. What a load of cobblers. Id be taking it back if it had cost more than a fiver.

No I must confess I haven't gone back to the Parasound at all as I'm feeling much more comfortable with the '64 now :) . Possibly as you've found with the Sigma it takes a while to get used to a new bit of kit, especially as I've had my cd end for probably over 6 years unchanged :eek: except for the odd digital i/c or 2:rolleyes:.

Overall as a net £500 investment I would say its a worthwhile upgrade. Not night and day maybe but as time goes on I find I'm hearing lots more in the music. And you can't argue with that !

Glad you're pleased with your DAC definately sounds like a bargain to me !
Originally posted by kasperoff
Hey Badchamp, where did you pick the DAC up from? Any more where that came from?

Aha key word net! ie after I sold my Parasound for £600 ish. but still at £1100 a damn good buy :) . A one off I'm afraid - right place right time - for once :D