hmmm I think this sort of thing is fairly prevalent in other areas, esp. car dealerships, they seem to have these flagship places, snobbery and all that, where they frown upon others.
I recall saying in a london hifi shop I used paperclips to bridge speaker terminals, and really got looked down by the dealers nose. Its a great solution and I still stand by it.( be aware, the pcb in your amps and cd's is just VERY thin bits of copper, too)
I mean, if its just electrical wire inside the speaker (bicc cable or similar) putting hundreds £££ of external cables is futile.
I sold my pair of avatar obx mk1's years ago, and got a call from Kevin Scott, I don't know if he was genuinely interested in why, insulted, or prying. Its a nice thumbs up, but he could also be desparate for sales??
I don't get it, why is there this kind of attitude? I mean there are places that sell bits, and the customer makes up his mind to buy. Perhaps another dealer gave a better deal or a nicer attitude in the end? Does having something demoed compel you to buy something from them?