Differnt lengths of Spkr Cable


equivalent to 0.01 mm, :D

move ya head :moony:

what is the delay in the cable then over the 9 metre difference and at what frequencies etc.
You can easily do the calcs yourself:
Speed of light in a vacuum ~3E11 mm/s 1)
Speed of sound ~3.4E5 mm/s 2)
Time taken for light to travel 9000mm = 1) * 9000 ~3E-8 s 3)
How far other channel travelled in air in 3E-8 seconds = 3) * 2) = 0,01 mm

Of course the difference is a little bigger because light travels slightly slower in a cable (but not orders of magnitude slower)

I leave it to you to find out if there is any small correction due to frequency, I've done my contribution

don't quite see were the equations come into this ?
could you explain in plain english for ignoramus like me.
i thought we were talking ac multi frequency electricity not light or vacumns.

no .
it's yes it does'nt make much difference.
but definately no it may make a difference.
i hope this has cleared it up.
if there is anyone on here who can hear an extra foot or so of cable please reply to this ?
you nutters. :p
ditton said:
so I take it that the answer is 'yes, not a lot of difference'.

Yer but no but yer but ...

My 2p worth is that using different lengths of cable, either speaker or interconnect, would have no impact on sound quality
just tried two different lengths of IC 1m and 0.3m Difficult say exactly whats happening but its not sounding right ....yes feeble description but theres definately some thing a miss with the sound. Swaping the cables left to right and the wrongness moves...swapping back to equal lengths and the sound reverts. Its a little like you have a drive unit [not speaker] out of phase but not so prominent. Puts an edge on the music, but its not a night and day thing so lower resolution system could miss the effects. Its a lot less than the sound of swapping mains cables....but it is evident through my set up......Quad99 cdp [variable out] pair of t-amps biamping martin logan Aerius i's.
Quite possible ........I'm no expert

just check resistances of the two identical cable there is only a few tenths of an ohm difference....it might be one of those imponderables.
I was thinking more impedance and capacitance, could upset some amps but i would expect that to be more of an option on a pre not power. Me no expert either, just fielding some thoughts.
i recall reading that there is a minimum recommended length for interconnects, perhaps greater than 0.3m

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