Digital source upgrade....


I've often thought about the logistics of getting the stuff sent over from the states too. I think I've found a way to make the transaction safe for both buyer and seller, getting over the 'only ship to US' issue as well.

It relies on the product manufacturer still being in business (no problem for me since I was looking at BAT, Bel Canto and Wadia stuff). The US manufacturers are so great on service that you arrange for the vendor to ship to the manufacturer for the required voltage change/service. When the manufacturer confirms with you that they have the unit, you pay the vendor. The manufacturer then boxes the serviced unit (properly and to factory export standards) and ships it to you, charging you for service and international shipping.

The manufacturer is effectively acting as a trusted escrow party while changing the voltage and checking that everything works as it should. You effectively have a factory reconditioned unit, don't need to worry about fraud, and the vendor only has to ship domestically - everyone's happy.

maybe it's time to hit Audiogon:)

Originally posted by merlin
Couldn't resist you old buffer;)

With regards to your opinions concerning that panacea known as a universal player, I'd far rather take two boxes into the shower, I don't take compromise very well you see.

I thank you

Well Mike in my ââ'¬Å"mid levelââ'¬Â hifi happiness I was meaning a Universal player as a CD transport towards a good DAC ala Chord 64, then SACD/DVDA both in high resolution stereo / MC from the UP, then Redbook CD or DVD-V material towards the DAC in PCM form for stereo listening via the hifi rig. Maybe daft (in some eyes) but after using the Pioneer so long Im kind of settled with this type of setup, especially hearing DVD-V content via my DAC.

Originally posted by ANOpax

It relies on the product manufacturer still being in business (no problem for me since I was looking at BAT, Bel Canto and Wadia stuff).

Hey ANopax

I wouldn't be so certain about Wadia as the company itself has been under more times than a deep-sea diver,:D although, holding companies tend to spring to their rescue each time. A new holding company or owner can decide which of the old or existing products it continues to service and which it prefers to drop by the way-side. It's tough I know, but that's business and it does happen quite a bit Stateside.

Just thought you should know so you can adjust your 'longevity ratings' for that company accordingly.

Enjoy the music!!

Hey Michael - talking of digital source upgrades - and 'image problems' - combine the two and i present you with the NAD S500i:


:D Worth an audition?

wow - back on topic in really slum-diddy stylee:D
Originally posted by Lawrie
I wouldn't be so certain about Wadia as the company itself has been under more times than a deep-sea diver,:D

That's a bit strong isn't it Lawrie? They went under for a while in 2000/2001 (just after introducing an early version of the 861), but then came back strong with the 'real' 861 and the 301, and are now coming through with further upgrades.

Are you sure you're not confusing them with CAL (who I'm led to believe have been up and under a few times - believed currently under).
Hey Graham,

In respect to the Moderators' requests for calm and not necessarily ignoring your question, I would now bow out of this thread as my presence on the forum has caused 'panic' and irrational behaviour in certain quarters.

Enjoy the music!!

Hi Lawrie

Nice to see you round here and thanks for the warning on Wadia's financial soundness. I was aware of their history and if I'd gone ahead with a wadia purchase stateside, I'd have had the unit sent to Great Northern Sound (GNS) for Steve Huntly to work his magic...

As an aside, I too think that a deletion of WM's rather unseemly outburst and anything related to it would be in order.

Originally posted by GrahamN
That would seem an excellent idea to me.

OK guys - the argument completely unrelated to this thread that erupted here has been nuked. All posts related to it have been deleted.

It's a pity it had to come to this :(

Originally posted by Lawrie
Hey ANopax

I wouldn't be so certain about Wadia as the company itself has been under more times than a deep-sea diver,:D


This is surely a very inadvisable post to make, particularly without being very sure of the facts. Wadia can claim that you are going to damage their commercial interests. It's one thing to say that you don't like it, it's quite another to infer that they are going out (or likely to go out at any time) of business with all the possible concerns that that may generate with prospective customers.

They would be well within their rights to get quite upset. I suggest that you ammend your post Lawrie and when you do I will remove this reference to it for you.

The NAD Silverline stuff is excellent IMHO. Just you try finding it at a dealers though.

Have heard a lot of great things about the NAD S500i - even had AES/EBU digital out :eek: - might make cracking transport aswell.

Man - so many things to audition now...but really, I think I'm either going to end up with a DAC64 and then worry about a transport later or go for something like a s/h Wad 301/861, or one of the other more esoteric things that have been mentioned here (Advantage S1, Art Audio V2, Metronome C2-V, Lindeman CD 1SE) provided I can get to hear them all :Eek:


FWIW, I am going to go with a 1 box solution when my dpa gear hits the dust. It wil probably be a Wadia 830 or an 861. Using a wadia with the digital pre amp directly into the power amp works exceptionally well, as most who have heard one will attest to.

A top quality transport (which is needed IMO) to get the best out of a good DAC cost lots of dough, not to mention needing to stump up for a good digi IC as well.

Cheers, Robbo
Surely the DAC is most important between DAC and Transport??? If not, then surely there are few advantages, part of the appeal is to be able to get a cheap transport. However, I have to say, I am more than satisfied with the sound I get from mine (a DVD player of the budget variety :p), pretty decent IMO.

However, I havent heard a CD player used as one, I toyed with the idea once, but decided against it because I did not believe it would be that much, if any better. Could be wrong, but I'll continue to live in ignorace, much easier that way :MILD:
Originally posted by Robbo
A top quality transport (which is needed IMO) to get the best out of a good DAC cost lots of dough, not to mention needing to stump up for a good digi IC as well.
Well, I've already got a good digi IC (Lat DI-20MkII balanced) and I think you don't have to go overboard on the transport.

I actually rate my modded CD50SE pretty highly as a transport, I'm just worried about its longevity and a nagging feeling that it's a bit on the flimsy side.

Another one-box I'd completely forgotten about is of course the new Shanling tube player...will have to give that a little listen sometime. Walrus have it and the DAC64 so that's an easy first one to tick off :)
