Following a satisfying TNT-shoestring attempt, I'm in a DIY cable mood. I'd like to make a superior breakout cable for my PC soundcard. The card O/P socket is a 9 pin DIN. At the moment it's got three mini jacks on the end (for 5.1). I'm only interested in the front (main) outs so I'll only put a couple of DINs on the new one. I plan on using a multimeter to work out which pins to connect to. But I can't find anywhere to buy a 9 pin DIN plug, anyone any ideas? And is this a waste of time? IS a 9 pin ever going to be decent? On a completely different note, could I get away with running my soundcard through a passive preamp into the power amp (Quad 306)? Would the soundcard output enough volts (guessing .5 ish)? Getting interested in building a DIY passive linestage you see...