"You finished your post with 'Just dont say I imagined it' but you've not presented any argument to show that you didn't imagine it."
That was out on its own, as a conclusion not part of the aurgument just a jokey thing
"It's good science that people who expect something often experience it."
Like that was the whole point , if it works one way then it works the other, i didn't say this effect does not happen only that ALL camps must consider this effect.
Jools youre doing the straw man.If all cables are the same of course they will sound the same.No sane person aurgues that point.
But I believe that not all cables are the same , the diffrence mainly that some are better consructed (ie tighter fit on socket and are soldered or crimped in a more more mechanically sound way)than others ,and through a well set up hifi with two speakers in front of you at a distance of at least 2 metres the speakers being roughtly level with your ears that these diffrences are noticable when you sit down to relax and listen to music.
Yes there is a lot of crap written about cables and this sometimes confuses or takes away from the stuff that does work.
"Like Homeopathy it's all bollocks that oddly, works for some people."
As far as i know youre right about that pile of crap.
That was out on its own, as a conclusion not part of the aurgument just a jokey thing
"It's good science that people who expect something often experience it."
Like that was the whole point , if it works one way then it works the other, i didn't say this effect does not happen only that ALL camps must consider this effect.
Jools youre doing the straw man.If all cables are the same of course they will sound the same.No sane person aurgues that point.
But I believe that not all cables are the same , the diffrence mainly that some are better consructed (ie tighter fit on socket and are soldered or crimped in a more more mechanically sound way)than others ,and through a well set up hifi with two speakers in front of you at a distance of at least 2 metres the speakers being roughtly level with your ears that these diffrences are noticable when you sit down to relax and listen to music.
Yes there is a lot of crap written about cables and this sometimes confuses or takes away from the stuff that does work.
"Like Homeopathy it's all bollocks that oddly, works for some people."
As far as i know youre right about that pile of crap.