talks a load of rubbish
Originally posted by NOS-4-A2
I've just had to invest in headphones for the first time since I lived with my parents (now my kid's bedrooms are next to my study). I tried a few of the popular makes and found them all a little bright. I finally settled on a pair of Grado RS-2's running from a Musical Fidelity X-Can v2 and X-PSU.
My next tweak will be to bypass the volume on the X-Can and run the sources directly to my Audio Synthesis Passion and thence to the X-Can.
I guess the Staxx must be quite good as you don't see them advertised second hand very frequently.
Hey Tom!
Welcome to the forum, and thanks for the HNE stand!...
(n.b. this is the nice chap wot flogged me my stand)

p.s. dont know if you've spoken to Lowrider yet, but he has a 5.1 sonus faber system too, and loves it. Small world!