Does anyone interestd in headphone?

Originally posted by NOS-4-A2
I've just had to invest in headphones for the first time since I lived with my parents (now my kid's bedrooms are next to my study). I tried a few of the popular makes and found them all a little bright. I finally settled on a pair of Grado RS-2's running from a Musical Fidelity X-Can v2 and X-PSU.

My next tweak will be to bypass the volume on the X-Can and run the sources directly to my Audio Synthesis Passion and thence to the X-Can.

I guess the Staxx must be quite good as you don't see them advertised second hand very frequently.

Hey Tom!

Welcome to the forum, and thanks for the HNE stand!...

(n.b. this is the nice chap wot flogged me my stand) :)

p.s. dont know if you've spoken to Lowrider yet, but he has a 5.1 sonus faber system too, and loves it. Small world!

<slightly off topic>

Hi Chris

Thanks for the intro to this very friendly forum :D

<back to topic>

Has anyone tried the AKG K1000 - reviewed in HiFi choise a couple of months ago I think? They sit away from the ear and are supposed to provide a more natural sound stage (out of the head).
Originally posted by NOS-4-A2
Has anyone tried the AKG K1000 - reviewed in HiFi choise a couple of months ago I think? They sit away from the ear and are supposed to provide a more natural sound stage (out of the head).

No, but I'd like to hear them just to satisfy my curiosity. They have a power handling of a watt (which does not sound a lot, but most headphones can handle amounts quoted in milliwatts), and need to be plugged into a speaker amp or their own special amplifier to perform their best.

Speaking of AKG's, I've got a pair of AKG K271S on my bonce at the moment. Fantastic sound quality for the money....
Originally posted by michaelab
Excellent choice of DAC you made there aswell :D (see my avatar ;) )

Welcome to the forum Tom!


Hi Michael

Yes, the DAC64 is one of only two bits of kit I bought new. I just love the size of the sound stage and the vinyl like dynamics it brings to CD's. Since using it I've been able to listen to some of the very badly produced material from the 80's that I had thought unlistenable and I have also found new detail in many well loved recordings. I would really like to try the DAC64 against the Perpetual Techologies P-1A and P-3A combo.
Originally posted by PBirkett
No, but I'd like to hear them just to satisfy my curiosity. They have a power handling of a watt (which does not sound a lot, but most headphones can handle amounts quoted in milliwatts), and need to be plugged into a speaker amp or their own special amplifier to perform their best.

That was another thing that interested me - they can run from your power amp; but even assuming you have an underpowered SET (wait for the flame war) amp it will be producing well over one Watt. How do they handle real world amps with 250wpc?
Has anyone tried the AKG K1000 - reviewed in HiFi choise a couple of months ago I think? They sit away from the ear and are supposed to provide a more natural sound stage (out of the head). [/B]

I have. There was a pair in the shop when I was auditioning headphones, purely out of curiosity, because they and their accompanying amplifier were 'way out of my price range. And yes indeed, they were good, but not twice as good as the Beyerdynamics, even though they were more than twice the price. To my ears, they weren't worth it, but then my ears are somewhat prone to what is called in the US "sticker shock"; other better and/or wealthier ears may think otherwise.

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