Does anyone know what's happened with Hifiwigwam


It's a shame about HifiWigwam. We will have to see what happens.

Wow, truly shocked about this. Thought the Wam was a fixture on the internet to last for many more years. I can understand James' sentiment and can't imagine the stress that comes with trying to run the site. For what it's worth I thought he did a great job even with many contentious issues to deal with.

I'd happily pay a tenner a year if someone else decides to take up the mantle and resurrect the Wam.

Hope to see it back in action in one form or another sometime soon....
Any WW member is welcome here, though I agree with Simon that its likely to bounce back.

Iron fist rule however is very counterproductive IMO though there are a couple of exceptions. Litigious manufacturers should be shown the door quick sharp, and posting from known fruit loops should be censored when what is posted is clearly barking mad, or pure conflict with no useful content, following a warning.

There have to be standards but on a pretty wide field, anything goes.
I would have thought that James could have given all users advance notice of his intention to quit and asked the community if anyone wanted to take over from him. We can all understand the pressures running the forum gave him. By pulling the plug without notice he has caused a lot of damage. What about people who have payed a subscription? What is going to happen to individuals who were part way through selling or buying kit?

I hope someone will be able to contact James and take over the running of Wigwam and take the necessary steps to eradicate the issues which broke the proverbial camel's back.
Thread moved to Audio room, since we are discussing an audio forum :)

Carry on.
Yes, big shock for me and wish it would rise again.

I know the problems of running a forum are very real. One car club I was part of went members only (paying members of the club and all traceable) for the libel reason - they had had several run ins. So WW owner has my understanding.

I do hope it can rise again as I enjoyed it greatly - very lively DIY section and lots of Tannoy / Horns action.
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I would have thought that James could have given all users advance notice of his intention to quit and asked the community if anyone wanted to take over from him. We can all understand the pressures running the forum gave him. By pulling the plug without notice he has caused a lot of damage. What about people who have payed a subscription? What is going to happen to individuals who were part way through selling or buying kit?

I hope someone will be able to contact James and take over the running of Wigwam and take the necessary steps to eradicate the issues which broke the proverbial camel's back.

It was never a subscription, the Wam was free, it was a personal donation to the running costs, it entitled the donor to nothing.

Advertising in the classifieds was free, it was stated very clearly that the Wam took no responsibility. If I was ever involved in a transaction I got a landline number and contact address from the seller before transferring any money, just normal sensible thing to do.
People should take responsibility for their own sales and purchases, nothing to do with the forum.
I hope it comes back online. I liked the fact that it was down to earth and I thought the 'Rep' thing was a good idea.

I'll miss the Joke and Youtube threads - talking about hifi 24/7, can get a bit boring.
Poor James, that isn't a post from a man in a happy place. Feel a bit stink really, it never crossed my mind how the thing was run, or the burden it caused him. I hope he gets some pleasure from his newly found spare time. If you're reading this mate, thanks for making it a fun place to be, and sorry for all the trouble you've evidently shouldered making it good for the rest of us.
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Registered User

Originally Posted by browneggs
Wheres the toilet?

Poor Tony, he now has you to deal with.

Gent's reading this thread this morning and the emails you have all sent really has been quite emotional frankly. That you all support and understand my decision is really quite fantastic.

I know that several people have unfinished business on the classifieds. I will open the forum this evening for the whole evening so that people can get messages to and from each other. Include phone numbers and email addresses in your PMs, as the PM content is also sent via email. That way you should all be able to conclude your business.

Having had a really nice day yesterday, playing cricket in the Sunshine and enjoying a few beers with friends and now having slept on this decision, I feel I need to put a time limit on what is going to happen. I am going to be working away for much of this week, and have a busy weekend ahead, so I think next Monday will be when you hear from me again. I need time to consider what to do.

As I own the commercial rights to the Scalford show I guess many of you will be worried about that. I really want to make sure Scalford happens next year. I am sure some of you will be keen to make it happen, rest assured if the forum closes permanently I think we can still make Scalford go ahead.

I think leaving the forum closed for a while for us all to have a good think, without the distractions of forum life will be a good thing for everyone.

As some have mentioned here, it's boisterous nature has been both the secret of it's success and the reason for it's downfall.

There have been plenty of good ideas here as to how we can move on, I will take them all on board and give them due consideration. Deep down I don't want the wigwam to die like this, but something had to give and for it to continue some things will need to change. What and how, I am not sure yet. But I am thinking about it carefully and I will be missing it's social side as much as the rest of you over the coming days..

We do have a Face book community at

And I am sure the polite and courteous ones of you will be welcome here.

I'll speak to you soon. Phoenix rising from the ashes emoticon anyone? Let's hope so.

Thanks chaps. Seriously restored my faith in the Interwebs.
yeah, very sad, but I can understand his reasning... :(

that said - maybe the owners here can make use of the new members and get this place going again..? afterall - this was one of the first hifi forums I discovered... :)
Me too Mr Cat - I only found the Wigwam because the old Zerogain was dying a slow death a few years ago.

yep...wonder wehat happened to some of the old crew from here...namely that young manc lad who always had car problems... :)
yeah, very sad, but I can understand his reasning... :(

that said - maybe the owners here can make use of the new members and get this place going again..? afterall - this was one of the first hifi forums I discovered... :)

WW members are very welcome here so long as they respect the fact that this forum is a manufacturer aligned forum, and that it tries to avoid the 'my system sounds best during a full moon' type threads and discussions :)

Other than that we have a very relaxed view and welcome members, even trade, and there are no restrictions on product discussion, even those that might directly compete. That's more than fair IMO.

yep...wonder wehat happened to some of the old crew from here...namely that young manc lad who always had car problems...

Around a dozen key and very active individuals largely gave up on forums in general and that really killed things here. Plus a few years ago we had some of the 'Wigwam problem' ourselves with a few very aggressive individuals.

These days both Simon and I want quality threads that act as either a reference or offer genuine help and advice. Oddly enough we were discussing this on Saturday are declared ourselves quite happy with things ticking along.

It looks like WW will bounce back which is great, but if anyone wants to try us then go ahead and start some threads.
yeah, forums always seem to attract some oddballs... :) I've seen many arguments on the likes of cables etc... :(
and I'm happy with my systems and rarely have much input on those threads...

I just like a good bit of banter, music and photography which was good on the 'Wam... :)