Don't want to brag but....

Andy I tried to change the other bit but that didn't work for some reason, changed it now, would like to say I liked your sig too, but I'm not so hot on gobledy gook, please explain:)

Dave, LOL :D I take it Cricklewood aint Kensington then?
julian2002 said:
i really do feel for those that have to make the daily grind in traffic. on the rare occasion i need to go anywhere other than to the school and back and i hit traffic i get nam like flashbacks of the m1 and a1 when i used to work in edgeware and colindale. the horror.. the horror... i love the smell of exhaust fumes in the morning.. not really.

LoL :D
WM not only does it shine like a good 'un (in a very sophisticated way you understand), But it pisses Bub off as not only does my kit look way better than his, it sounds way better to, he prolly ordered that mana after hearing my kit, cause up till then it was perfect, he should really be a surgeon, as it's only them and god can improve on perfection, Oh and JW apparently. :D

PS I'm with Chris I mean Mike, his is the most plausible reason I have heard, for the changes in Bubbitts sound, I wonder how many phases JW gave to Pink Floyd as an endorsement, last time I asked about them I was informed by my source that Nick mason cut them all up and made axle stands for all them motors he has :D
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Strange that for all the Pink floyd flappings, they're stuff is mastered on DCS gear!!!!
AK, your right ABOUT Bubbit, he was so shocked upon hearing a texturaly pleasing & dynamic system, he instantly realised he needed another 12 phases of north-west wales finest Bling displayer, you do have a lot answer for Paul

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