amir said:shiner
we know S5.4 design differ from general and tweeter is in down, you have no problem by it's soundstage and stereo image?
Hello Amir
I have no problems at all with the driver configuration. The Dynaudio documents talk about tuning the cross over or something like that, as I havent looked them for ages, I cant remenber. To me they sound fabulous which is what it is all about.
When I bought them I compared them against some Sonus Faber and some Proac. The Dyns were to my taste so I bought them. I have no regrets at all. In fact if I had my time over I would buy them again.
Over the years I have heard a lot of speakers and these are the best I have heard by quite margin.
I hope you get a chance to listen to some because I think you will be impressed.
Goodbye and good luck