dynaudio S5.4

amir said:
we know S5.4 design differ from general and tweeter is in down, you have no problem by it's soundstage and stereo image?

Hello Amir
I have no problems at all with the driver configuration. The Dynaudio documents talk about tuning the cross over or something like that, as I havent looked them for ages, I cant remenber. To me they sound fabulous which is what it is all about.

When I bought them I compared them against some Sonus Faber and some Proac. The Dyns were to my taste so I bought them. I have no regrets at all. In fact if I had my time over I would buy them again.

Over the years I have heard a lot of speakers and these are the best I have heard by quite margin.
I hope you get a chance to listen to some because I think you will be impressed.

Goodbye and good luck
i'm huffing off too at the total lack of humor in this thread... well not really.

hey bub, mana sucks....


Hi Julian,

Most of my posts are a bit tongue in cheek, but I really do think that it's a bit sad if it stops serious posters with genuine experience from posting. God knows what John would've made of the REL thread. Remember it?
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fair point. but imho it'd make for a pretty dry and dull forum if a thread was never allowed to wander and any humor was expunged. if i wanted that i'd go over to the audio asylum. zero gain has a good mix of information and banter and i suspect mike is just playing with his stirring stick by 'quitting' again.

Shiner said:
This is the sort of thing that is making me not want to bother with this forum. Amir wants to talk about Dynaudio Contour s5.4 and the regulars just take over with there normal slanging matches.

It is getting deadly dull in that respect I agree. It's why I don't post here much ATM, there are almost no discussions which don't just rehash the same old jokes and wind-ups. There's not much real content, probably because everyone knows each other too well.

If I was Michael I'd be seriously thinking about pulling the plug.

-- Ian
If I was Michael I'd be seriously thinking about pulling the plug.

But he only got that butt plug at Xmas :D
I wouldn't bother with Belcanto because I think that throwing very expensive amplification up against a passive crossover is a waste of time and money.

And if you go active, amplifier quality isn't very important.

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