Look at it another way, if it had been Ferrari (and Jordan and Minardi ) who couldn't race because their Bridgestone tyres were defective and unsafe as a result can you really imagine the other (Michelin shod) teams allowing an impromptu chicane to be erected on the fast turn to cut speeds to allow them to race? Not bloody likely!lhatkins said:I can't beleive people are sticking up for the Bridgestone booted racers, ok so they're product didn't fail, but you need a full grid to race or else its a non event
In the past teams have encountered problems with their rear wing mounts (breaking at high speed) and decided to not race because they couldn't find the cause and it was unsafe. It just so happens that in this case a safety related technical fault affected 7 teams but the outcome was no different and IMO quite correctly so.
The reason none of the Michelin shod teams could "take a chance" is for legal reasons. Once Michelin had made a very public written statement declaring their tyres unsafe any team that still went racing with them risked a massive and catastrohpic lawsuit had anyone got seriously injured or killed as a result of a tyre failure.
I realise the race was a farce but it's spectacularly unfair to put any blame on Ferrari for the situation. Their opponents screwed up, what are they supposed to do?