Finally my new curved top and base Tannoy GRF's - all for me!

That's interesting as I recall being somewhat deterred when I asked about these drivers on the yahoo tannoy group some while back; the opinion was that these drivers were not really suited to domestic use without changes to the crossover, and even then...... I didn't get much response to be fair, don't think many had actually heard a pair.

I'm not after a pair or anything, just interested. They're definitely a lot more affordable than Golds/HPD's etc. You see various 'sound reinforcement' models cropping up for sale, sometimes very cheaply considering they were pretty expensive new. The Lynx-era models seem to be more in demand for some reason.
That's interesting as I recall being somewhat deterred when I asked about these drivers on the yahoo tannoy group some while back; the opinion was that these drivers were not really suited to domestic use without changes to the crossover, and even then...... I didn't get much response to be fair, don't think many had actually heard a pair.

I'm not after a pair or anything, just interested. They're definitely a lot more affordable than Golds/HPD's etc. You see various 'sound reinforcement' models cropping up for sale, sometimes very cheaply considering they were pretty expensive new. The Lynx-era models seem to be more in demand for some reason.

I must've missed that. The xover mods are simple(in the case of the CPA 15 anyway).The transformation a bigger box brings is revelatory too.
The pro/PA xover pushes the hf for cut through, the different slopes and hf level adjust makes them much sweeter sounding.
I haven't been able to find any T&S for the 12" though.
That's interesting as I recall being somewhat deterred when I asked about these drivers on the yahoo tannoy group some while back; the opinion was that these drivers were not really suited to domestic use without changes to the crossover, and even then...... I didn't get much response to be fair, don't think many had actually heard a pair.

I'm not after a pair or anything, just interested. They're definitely a lot more affordable than Golds/HPD's etc. You see various 'sound reinforcement' models cropping up for sale, sometimes very cheaply considering they were pretty expensive new. The Lynx-era models seem to be more in demand for some reason.

I'd have to agree with them as the CPA12's were in the supplied cabs.
You'd need a sub and at volume the treble got quite harsh and they needed more driving than when in the GRF cabs.

My room is quite bright too but overall I thought them pretty good all round and as said minor tuning would cure an treble vices.

Oddly the GRF cab made the treble a bit more pronounced at normal vols but it was not unpleasant or massively out of kilter - a little smoother would have been nice yes, but not nasty or anything like that. I reckon I could perceive there was higher frequencies avail than my 15's but my ears don't go that high - anymore...
All very interesting.

I really don't need any new drivers, but I might just keep half an eye open for any ridiculous bargains ;).
After a couple of weeks of trialling with the cabs as they worked best in my lounge, I decided to take out the optional extra felt damping on the rear outer section of the folded horn I had velcro'd in.
I felt with the higher ceiling and my sitting farther away from the cabs I could take everything they can throw out...
Oh yes! Dev & Rob there is more deep bass to come out of these babies than you heard when over CPA 12'ing!

I am now running the treble at +2 to regain the sort of near field monitor closeness and sparkle I previously had and that is matched well by the extra bass weight.
More is best perhaps:)

Further listening of course needed to confirm...

Oddly in the new room most CD's sound better?! I had pretty much come to the end of my tether with their sound in my lounge... Now I quite enjoy some - strange thing this sound! I can't explain this.