...is out: [URL]http://www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/[/URL] Been using it for a little while now and not noticed any issues. Not noticed anything particularly new and improved about it either. A couple of sites that had problems with Firefox before now render correctly. Also like the "Report Broken Website" menu option you can use to inform the Firefox team about non-standards compliant sites :) One slight snag is that most of the existing themes and extensions haven't yet been marked as 1.5beta1 compatible so you can't use them. Since my favourite theme (Qute) is amongst those I've had to make the switch to the [url=https://addons.mozilla.org/themes/moreinfo.php?application=firefox&id=1106&page=previews]iFox[/url] theme which I may end up sticking with. Makes FireFox look just like Safari on a Mac! Michael.