For those unconvinced by Mana....

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BD this thread isn't about that. Argue that somewhere else FGS

Michael it's funny I quite like the look of Mana too, stark, industrial and functional, but quite smart as well.
I think I could probably get away with using some of the stainless steel stuff wo the missus minding. Just an amp stand you, not all the levels that need step ladders and stuff.....
Go on Berry!

'Ave 'im :D

he's nothing more than a confused turncoat with serious wedge if you ask me :D

It wasn't me who said this:

"(...) but whilst Naim has a very loyal customer base there's less faith involved in the upgrade process ie, you're not constantly adding things that have no logical reason to improve your system."

What you have to say about it?
Mike b, you getting draconian sir.
BD is just a stray goat blower from mars on vaction for a few decades, he's harmless, just feed him some rare earth elements and goes all passive
wadia-miester said:
he's harmless, just feed him some rare earth elements and goes all passive
As I'm sure you're aware, beryllium's not a rare earth element. :)
BD I'm not quite sure what i have to have an opinion about. I actually think the Naim argument has some relevance, Naim and Mana seem to be rather attracted to each other. Both have a clearly signposted upgrade path apparently.
Your argument was just another reiteration of the immensely boring subjectivity versus objectivity debate.
Therefore FGS
Am I making sense now? Your point is?

I tell you what is boring...

Boring is the endless general discussion about I like green, you like yellow and he likes blue... this is in fact boring.

They like Naim and they like Mana up to the roof, you don't like Naim neither Mana... fine, now we know thank you... what is the point of all this?

I like blonde, you like brunette... good for you and good for me, because we can choose blonde or we can choose brunette or even neither...

I like Chelsea, others like MU or Arsenal...


PS: Do you find interesting enough to ask why?
yes,asking why is interesting when the bloody person who you ask would answer a sodding question properly ie and not with another question

thats boring
Its interesting to note that one of the Mana devotees is selling off a load because some of his new kit doesnt respond to the Mana effect. The rather telling thing is that it must have cost only a fraction of all of the many phases of Mana that were used with the previous kit.

Kind of backs up my thoughts about getting better kit rather than just getting phase after phase of mana at great expense. Its a shame we cant discuss our banned members because there is a lot of mileage in this, especially if you consider the brand used in this particular case ;)
imho, the sort of conversations that occurr at zg are what makes it one of my favourite places to hang out on the internet. listening to and understanging other peoples points of view, even though i may not agree with them can be fun and of course you may learn something.
i guess you may feel backed into a corner by some of the comments here but the best thing to do is just accept that some are going to disagree with you, stop saying everything like it was the absolute, one and only TRUTH and join the party. it's a lot of fun honestly.

julian2002 said:
imho, the sort of conversations that occurr at zg are what makes it one of my favourite places to hang out on the internet. listening to and understanging other peoples points of view, even though i may not agree with them can be fun and of course you may learn something.
i guess you may feel backed into a corner by some of the comments here but the best thing to do is just accept that some are going to disagree with you, stop saying everything like it was the absolute, one and only TRUTH and join the party. it's a lot of fun honestly.



It is not a question of "agree" or "disagree"... I cannot argue with someone who says he likes blue above all the others colors... so what is the point?

The very same thing is valid to someone else who says he likes Mana up to the roof...

Some of you laugh of it but you are no different from Mana believers when you say I like brand X or brand Y.

This way I will not learn anything... and I agree with you, we should learn from these discussions... and having fun when we listening our systems...
They like Naim and they like Mana up to the roof, you don't like Naim neither Mana... fine, now we know thank you... what is the point of all this?
Actually I do like naim, to the point that my amps are naim. I would like to try Mana, but can't really justify the cost at the minute....

I chose my amps with my ears at the end of the day, and what sounded right and satisfying to me. I didn't feel the urge to null test the amps, and I'm sure they wouldn't do well. Which do you hold most credence by the results of a null test, or listening to music. At the end of the day even if your amplifier null tests perfectly, you are only reproducing what the rest of the chain emits. So what is the point of a 'perfect?' amplifier, if your source is not so accurate and your loudspeakers likewise.

Anyway I suggest that you keep your arguments about amplifiers and dacs to a thread about said items. IIRC this thread started by having a laugh at some chap who was slightly overstimulated by a steel and glass combo
Yead BD this thread is not about equipment merits, or who doesn't like/dislike what, this is a laugh at the religious like zeal of the poster on thew mana website, nothing wrong with mana per se, but, nonsense like this does the product no favours whatsoever, the man's arrogance in feeling sorry for the rest of us who haven't seen the light, is what is truely pitifull, I really do feel sorry for this sad soul.
I don't. I marvel at the fervour of any fanatic, be it fundamentalist christian, fundamentalist islamist or fundamentalist manaite. Pity is not given to those who make the lives of others a misery in the name of their "cause".
not again

A short while ago, I posted a pic of a 4 foot high stack on mana under amps, briks, TT and everything else on PFM. This guys set up must have cost MANY, MANY thousands of pounds. Mnay people replied to my question about opinions on wether or not people thought it ws good or bad, and the whole thing soon declined into viscious insults and veiled threats. I will not attempt to ressurrect that arguement here, as I have never in my life seen should blind devotion to a product, the fervour with which mana devotees defend their products has to be experienced to be believed. My own personal view is that it is an useless and unproven expense, but that is my opinion and I do not expect everyone else to share it. Lets hope we can all bury our differences on this one for the sake of peace and harmony.

BerylliumDust said:
Why did you liked your NOS DAC? Because the way it measures, or because the way it sounds?
Some of you laugh of it but you are no different from Mana believers when you say I like brand X or brand Y.
In the case of my DAC that's bullshit. I like my NOS DAC because of the way it sounds. However, I know that it measures quite differently from my DAC64 (frequency response and harmonic spectra are both quite different) so there's a difference there which I'm not imagining. OTOH you can measure an amp or CDP on 8 phases of Mana or 9 and it will measure exactly the same.

Satisfied? :rolleyes:

lordsummit said:
I chose my amps with my ears at the end of the day, and what sounded right and satisfying to me. I didn't feel the urge to null test the amps, and I'm sure they wouldn't do well. Which do you hold most credence by the results of a null test, or listening to music. At the end of the day even if your amplifier null tests perfectly, you are only reproducing what the rest of the chain emits. So what is the point of a 'perfect?' amplifier, if your source is not so accurate and your loudspeakers likewise.

You are wrong lordsummit... Naim amps do have very fine merits. One of them is low frequency compensation and they are minimalist designs too. And I do believe in the merit of DIN plugs mostly because of ground connection. In fact I want to try the new Nait 5i in my system. I want to hear it in first place... then if I like it I'll try to understand why, measuring it, if I don't like it I will do likewise...

Perfection is impossible, that's why we try to learn each day...
Herewith my modest explanation of the Mana Effect, which got me into terrible trouble in another Forum (not even the Mana one!):

This old Man(a)
On Phase 1
Things sound better, much more fun
Textures from the mud come out clean and bright
This old Manas seen the light

This old Man(a)
On Phase 2
Add Soundstage, adjust the screws
Startling music gains, big Epiphany!
PRaT and groove and tunefully

This old Man(a)
Now Phase 3
Glass must ring on tapping, see?
Tunes are followed now, like I've never heard
You should buy some, take my word!

This old Man(a)
At Phase 4
Even higher off the floor
Still it simply gets better all the time
Got no Manas? That's a crime!

This old Man(a)
Hits Phase 5
Music seems much more alive
Ladder needed now, records for to change
I don't care if wife thinks strange

This old Man(a)
Stainless spikes
Musicality hits new heights
Crisp and clean and clear, more of everything
This tweak makes your music sing

This old Man(a)
Logo's new
You now need a gross or two
Smooth in, Gothic out, elegant new letters
And I swear it even sounds better

This old Man(a)
Stainless frame
Non-magnetic is the aim
Stunning looks and sounds better than before
Painful jaw from hitting floor

This old Man(a)
To Phase 6
Music is my major fix
Room completely bare, furniture is sold
To buy Mana, audio gold!

This old Man(a)
At Phase 7
Mana truly is from heaven!
Well, I'm almost there, why am I surprised?
Watson should be canonized!

This old Man(a)
Now Phase 8
Playing music morn to late
Feet tap all the time, really it's not fair
Costs a bomb in shoe repair

This old Man(a)
At Phase 9
Atmosphere's thin, need air line
MoA demands flashing warning lights
To divert incoming flights

This old Man(a)
Reached Phase 10
But I have to start again
Slipped above snowline, whole lot fell down too
Where's my spanner? Much to screwââ'¬Â¦
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